Holiday Livestreams

Start from the beginning

"Okay, do tell..." I state.

"There is a new character that will be appearing in the Phoenix High series and I want you to voice them!" She screams almost and I look at her in disbelief.

"Oh, wow, thank you so much Jess! It's like an honour to be in a roleplay series for you! I can't wait to start!" I say happily and she smiles.

"Yeah! I thought you would be perfect for the character. You have that voice you know? Anyway, I'll email you the scripts and upload schedule. But not right now, in a few hours we'll start livestreaming, for now we have to celebrate! It's the holiday season right!" She cheers and I smile.

"Yeah! Speaking of holidays, I was wondering if you could do something for me. My friend Emma is a huge fan, like she owns all of your merch possible, so I was wondering if you could like record a message to her on my phone so I can send it to her? I would really like to make her day." I ask uncertain and she nods.

"Sure! Just lemme see your phone and I'll say it!" She says as I hand her my phone. She opens camera and presses record.

"Hello Emma! I have taken Desiree's phone hostage to send you a message! I've heard you are a fan so I thought I would say hello! So hi! Also Merry Christmas! Hope things are good back in New York and Desiree is doing very well here. Well, I should get going! Bye Emma!" She finishes and hands my phone back to me.

"Thanks Jess, I owe you one for that!" I say.

"It's no problem, now c'mon! I hear we're all doing a livestream today and playing Christmas games and doing Christmas themed challenges!" She exclaims taking my hand and dragging me over to the living room. Sure enough everything is set up for a live stream, along with Red in a Santa suit.

"Santa's looking a little less portly than usual." I chuckle and all of the office crew gathers around the camera and we start streaming.

"Hey guys sky here and I'm here with the whole office crew and today we are going to be live streaming all day. We'll play games, do challenges and all around get into the Christmas spirit! Are you all ready?" Adam asks to all of us.

"No!" I shout sarcastically and smile at the camera in a really fucked up way.

"Well too bad Des! And now I think I know exactly what to do first! We all have to sing a Christmas song! It'll be like in Minecraft when we did Sing Offs! And I think our star singers should go first! Desiree! Danny! Then me, I guess." Adam says and I fall out of my seat for comedic affect.

"Uh can we like, not? Would that be a possibility?" I ask and everyone says no. I sigh and take a moment to think of a song to sing.

"Alright, I'll suffer I guess. BUT I SWEAR IF ANYONE BRINGS OUT A MISTLETOE I'M LEAVING!" I shout and stand up, looking towards the camera.

"Guess I'm doing this accapella then." I say and breathe in and out before starting.

I know I've been adding a lot of songs and I'm sorry! But now play the song!

Oh my love we've had our share of tears

Oh my friend we've had our hopes and fears

Oh my friends it's been a long hard year

But now it's Christmas

Yes it's Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas

The moon and stars seem awful cold and bright

Let's hope the snow will make this Christmas right

My friend the world will share this special night

Because it's Christmas

Yes it's Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas

For one night

Thank God it's Christmas yeah

Thank God it's Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas

Can it be Christmas?

Let it be Christmas

Ev'ry day

Oh my love we've lived in troubled days

Oh my friend we have the strangest ways

All my friends on this one day of days

Thank God it's Christmas

Yes it's Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas

For one day

Thank God it's Christmas

Yes it's Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas

Oooh yeah

Thank God it's Christmas

Yes yes yes yes it's Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas

For one day

A very merry Christmas to you all

I exhale and look back at everyone who looks at me with disbelief.

"Since when did you have the voice of an angle?" Red asks and I shrug.

"She's had it for a while, she always sings to Mason." Adam adds and I smile and blush.

"Alright Danny, you're up!" I say giggling and he looks at me and bites his lip nervously.

"I do not think I can beat that! My lord you're really good at singing!" He exclaims and I just sit back down and read the comments rolling in. They all say my voice is goals and that I should be proud of it. I blush and we continue on with the live stream all day.

-le time skip-

We finish up around 10:30pm an we're all exhausted. We streamed for maybe 13 hours? We played games, did challenges and talked with the subscribers, which was all around a lot of fun. Adam tells me to get my stuff and we go home. I was really excited because tomorrow was Christmas Day.

Walking down the stairs I look at the brightly lit Christmas tree. I go over to the couch where Adam and Alesa were watching Elf. I smile and hug them both.

"Merry Christmas guys!" I say cheerfully and they wish me one too. I walk back upstairs to my room and plop myself on my bed. I look over at the gifts in my closet that I got for Adam Alesa and Mason. I smile and change into a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants and a white tank top and crawl into bed.

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