*9* Don't Bring It Up

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I'm back! I thought it would be nice to upload for chistmas. I'm so sorry I was away for so long. I meant to come back about 2 weeks ago but a member of my immediate family is in the hospital and we aren't sure for how long. But anyways. I have a bit of time so here you go!!

The day passed slowly, since I had to try get the host club out the house. After more than an hour of pushing and shoving I managed to lock them outside. Then the next half hour they were banging on the front door to come back in until Haruhi saved me and convinced them to leave.

I made myself some lunch, which was tinned tuna. I sat down and watched the last episode of a really good anime called 'Yuri!!! On Ice'. I had tears in my eyes by the end because Phichit is just to pure, and Otabae and Yurio are so cute together. Not to mention Viktor and Yuuri!

Wait sorry.

I got off topic...

(AN: sorry I just had to. The void in my heart that YOI left is to big T^T )

For dinner had some fish and a glass of milk. I looked at my phone and saw texts from Hikaru and Kaoru...


Hikaru: "Haru!! Pick up you lazy cat boy!!"

Kaoru: "Hikaru... That's not very nice.."


CatBoi: "What?"


Hikaru: "I got bored waiting for you to answer..."

CatBoi: "Change it back or I won't talk."

Kaoru: "Hikaru, just change it back."

Hikaru: "CatBoi is just joking. I'm sure he'll keep talking."

||Two minutes later||

Hikaru: "I'm sorry Haru I'll change it!"

CatBoi: "Thank you..."

Kaoru: "The username CatBoi suits you Haru."

[Hikaru changed CatBoi's username to HaruMcKitten]

HaruMcKitten: "This isn't any better!!!"

Kaoru: "I agree with this one."

Hikaru: "Me to. All in favor say 'I'"

Kaoru: " I "

Hikaru: " I "

HaruMcKitten: "...."

HaruMcKitten: "Hikaru... If you don't change my username back to Haru I will never talk to you again."

Hikaru: "Nice bluff, HaruMcKitten"

||5 minutes later||

Kaoru: "Just change it Hikaru. I don't think he's bluffing..."

Hikaru: "He wouldn't"

Kaoru: "You're right, but he is still mad."

Hikaru: "...Okay..."

[Hikaru changed HaruMcKitten's username to Haru]

Haru: "Finally..."

Haru: "You guys wanted to talk to me about something?"

Kaoru: "Oh yeah! We wanted to ask you what you think about the Shady Nekos package."

Haru: "Agh, it's one of Kyoya's evil plots to make more money."

Hikaru: "Yeah of course it is, but that's not we're talking about..."

Kaoru: "We wanna know what you think we should do for the guests."

Haru: "You two are the experts at this stuff."

Kaoru: "How should we act?"

Haru: "Like friends."

Hikaru: "But that's so plain!"

Haru: "What do you suggest then?"

Kaoru: " ;) "

Hikaru: " ;) ;) "

Haru: "No."

Hikaru: "Why"

Kaoru: "Not"

Hikaru: "Haru-"

Kaoru: "Chan?"

Haru: "Because."

Kaoru: "Because why?"

Haru: "Don't poke the bear, you two!"

Hikaru: "You're not a bear, you're a cat."

Kaoru: "A cute and fluffy cat!"


Kaoru: "Sweet dreams.."

Hikaru: "Of us :3 "

Haru: "NO!!!"

[Haru logged off]

After I logged off I sighed and flopped onto my bed.

I couldn't help but laugh lightly to myself. Those two dorks are always trying something, I love them so much.

waIT WhAT?!

*cough* *cough* In a friend kinda way....

My thoughts run to this morning when I made out with them.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HARU, DON'T BRING IT UP!!!" I yell to myself, hugging my legs and rolling around on my bed.

I stop and sigh.

"What have you two done to me...." I whisper as I slowly sink into sleep.

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