Chapter 22

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Manik Pov

Pressing on the dial button a little away were my finger and I got a call from an unknow number. Why now.... I should reject it....okay wait....what if it's Nandini...I should pick it up if it's someone else I will just cut it.

I picked up the call, to find the most unexpected thing which I couldn't think of, it was from hospital and then....why me was the next things that crossed my mind.

why me was the next things that crossed my mind

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Nandini Pov.

I was wide awake now having food while Mom sat there in the room.

Amma, Appa, Dad and Naman were downstairs having dinner.

With great difficulty and emotional blackmail or say taking advantage of my degree of being a Doctor I made them understand or say manipulated them it was due to travelling and nothing more. The doctor visited me again but I didn't allow him to touch me and the worse thing he said was it's important for me to do few test as he has a doubt seeing my conditions there is something major and I had never insulted someone like this before but in anger the only thing I said loudly was These are the way to make money and trouble innocent people for no reason. I blamed him and poor fellow just walked away not saying a word more. Afterall I flaunted being a Great Doctor and knowing very well what's going on. They couldn't object me too especially Mom after all the mess or it would be a trouble to convince her. Appa would definitely do something when I would be alone with them. I am sure he will carry me to hospital now if I sneeze also for once. I have to make sure my secret remain a secret till my death.😢

Appa had a doubt he wanted to ask so many things but remained quite as this was not the right place to talk

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Appa had a doubt he wanted to ask so many things but remained quite as this was not the right place to talk. In his eyes I could see the questions what he wanted to ask unlike my Amma, Appa was not convince by the reason what Mom gave to them. Afterall it was not easy to fool him. He knew me rather too well.

Mom sat silently on the couch staring at my face while I drank soup quietly too.

She had a stern look on her face as if she was reading my face or could see within my soul. Manik was right his Mom is a sharp woman and detective too, for the first time I wanted to be away from her.

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