Chapter 13

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Manik Pov.

Mom walked straight up to me and next I know was her hand hit my cheek's leaving me blaffled.

Neyonika: I am ashamed to have a son like you.
She said with tears rolling from her eyes.

This was the last thing I wanted to see in my life, my mom being ashamed of me and crying because of me.

I always wanted to make my parents proud and happy to have me as their son and today I lost the main reason of my hardwork and living.

I stared at her face with my hand holding my cheek's in shock.

Her slap didn't give me external pain, but it broke something inside me forever. She had all right's to slap me, hit me but not for this reason. I was not at fault but....

Neyonika: How could you Manik....I can't belief my son can do such a low thing. How can you cheat on Nandini like this...
She asked me while yelling on top of her voice.

Man: What have I done God danmit. Why the hell are you believing these stupid false stories.
I asked her angrily.

Neyonika: What have you done huh, if you have not done anything than I would not be over here crying and yelling at you.
She shouted.

Man: Mom listen whatever you are saying and thinking is not true. I am not doing anything wrong. For God sake...
I tried to keep my point while she cut me off in middle.

Neyonika: Manik really you want me to belief your think I am a fool. You seriously feel that I am dumb and blind.
She said pointing at herself and frowned while I looked at her being bewildered.

Man: Mom are getting everything wrong.
I said calmly moving towards her and took her hands in mine.

Neyonika: WRONG !!!
She yelled again jerking my hand away.

Neyonika: I will tell you then what's right according to you.
She said taking out few pictures from her bag holding them out, she threw them right infront of me, on my face while I was stood shocked
The pictures shattered there on the floor.

Neyonika: So look at them are they right.
She asked while grinting her teeths while I looked at the thing which she threw on me.

I picked them up and looked at them which made me wonder who the hell had click them.

Neyonika: You and that girl roaming around hand in hand, she side hugging you, holding your arms and these selfies.
She said angrily.

While I stare at the pictures the selfies were true I did click pictures with her but other's were shocking.

Who the hell was spying on me.

I kept the pictures on my table and took a deep breathe and covered my face with my palms to calm my nerves.

Man: Mom what it look's like it's not true. I and Amaya are just friends simple.
I said emphasizing on each words.

Cabir: Shut up. Cut the crap man.
He said annoyingly.

While Mom stared at my face angrily.

Cabir: You seriously think your Mom will belief you after looking at this pictures. Do you think she is a fool like Nandini.
He again brought Nandini in between.

I was focusing on this mess while he was diverting my mind on Nandini for each thing.

I was damn sure in my anger at end I was going to blame her for all this shit.

Man: Stop getting her in middle. She is nowhere here in this drama which you created.
I said glaring at him while pointing my index finger on him.

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