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the sun was driving boo seungkwan crazy; he felt sweaty, and sticky- and sweaty.

the air conditioner was not working, and his parents were out on a trip for work, they claimed, but seungkwan knew they were just out to play.

he could call the technician but boy, was he too lazy for that.

as he chewed the insides of his cheeks, he thought of all the things he could have been doing this summer holiday, but no, he was stuck inside.


"i wanna travel too!" seungkwan complained to no one in particular.

that was when he sat up, an idea going off like a volcano in his head.

why should he stay home, while his parents are out, having fun?

"i deserve to go on a vacation too!" seungkwan declared loudly to himself.

he whipped out his phone from his side pocket, and entered the wechat app.


divaboo: yOOO kcr i'M THINKIng of goiNG ON A TRIp to seOUL!!!!!!!!

divaboo: yOU'RE FROM SEOUL, riGHT???

kcr: yep

divaboo: wE SHOULD MEet up!!!!

divaboo: i'm not taking no for an answer btw

kcr: .....

kcr: fine

divaboo: take me to those aesthetic places wiTH GOOD FOOD YAYAYAYAYA

divaboo: you're legAL RIGHT YOU CAN DRIVE right;

kcr: ...probably ;;

divaboo: okay idc you're driving me even if you're not legAL, I'd love to see you behind bars!!1!

kcr: stfu leave me in peace, i want to go back to sleep

divaboo: iTS 3pM ! ! !


↠a u t h o r ' s n o t e s ;

hi! italics is for me, veronica!

bold is for genesis, the person i am collabing with on this acc!

book 1 of the «summer» series, featuring boo seungkwan of seventeen!

we hope you enjoy :-)

ps: this is a short message to my partner in writing, aka my bae @prettyboys- , the person i am running this account with.

25 dec 2014 was the day we met, and today, it is 25 dec 2016. happy 2nd year of friendship anniversary, i'm really happy to have met you.

i know we've been through a lot this year, many ups and even more downs, but i'm happy that at the end of it all, you're still here with me.

i'm very excited to start this collab account, and even more excited that it's you i'm starting it with. i hope we'll write many many stories here so that the memories of us here will last even when we grow old!

cheers to us, and may our friendship last for a long, long long time (if not, then forever)

merry christmas!

much love,


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