An unexpected encounter

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hey the picture is of her when she is in full armour but that is what she dressed like when going out minus the obvious guns at the waist, the sword, and the gun in her hands is hidden halfway in her pants

If the pic doesn't show, then forget what you just read

but anyway, shout out to blackkat666 because they commented me first and it really made me really happy and excited to keep working on my stories.

Also, I made a BIG twist to the story, very last minute so Alice's dad's name is now RYU DaWook

thanks XD



I woke up to the sunshine streaming in and remembered. Jackson, mom's dead, 911 call in the morning. I got up careful not to wake Jackson, rubbing the crusty tears off his face, and then walking over to my charged Phone. I picked it up and thought; okay thirty seconds of full-blown bravery and they’ll go after my dad one, two, three now. I picked up the phone and dialed 911, hoping for them to pick up soon so that my thirty seconds wouldn’t be up.

“911 emergencies, how may I help you?”  Asked a woman’s voice in a fast and formal tone.

 “ Hey this is Alice, I’m calling to tell you that my dad just killed my mom last night. “ my voice cracked at the word mom but kept on talking.” The reason I couldn’t contact you yesterday was because my dad dumped my Brother/ god child and I on the streets so we had to find an apartment to live in.”

“Oh, well then give me his address and we will go investigate the house. What is your father’s name?” she asked seeming like a worried mother. I bet she was a mother by the protective sound of her voice she had to be a mother of one. If you have only one child then you can get overly protective even with other kids that are not your own.

“RYU DaWook” I told her bluntly. Every time people heard that he’s my dad they get scared and this time was no exception. See my dad is the leader of the Korean mafia. Yeah, big guy. We had been hiding in America from some assassins dead set on slaughtering the whole family. Though dad was   just trying to save his own ass. So you must be thinking why doesn't Jackson look Korean? My "dad" is only half Korean so his hair was brown, and my mom had been an American immigrant. That's why Jackson looks nothing like a Korean. But anyway, I told her the address after her surprise wore off.

“Alright then, we’ll call you as soon as we get some news.” She answered.

“Thanks” was all I could manage before I hung-up.

I decided to make breakfast, but then I realized that we didn’t have any food whatsoever. I checked the time it read 10:00 am. So I decided hey, lets get Jackson up! I went into my room to see him curled up into a ball looking peaceful. I lightly shook his shoulder murmuring to him that he had to wake up. He sat up yawning and stretching, then looking around. He looked sad to find himself back into reality. I made me feel kind of bad for waking him up when he just wanted to sleep and forget it all. But we had to get a grip if we were to survive this world.

“Hey Jackson honey, I’m gonna go take a shower then you have to, okay?"  I told him.

“Sure, sure” he answered groggily. I went into the bathroom with my toiletries and took a burning hot shower, when I got out I felt refreshed and almost alive again. Almost. Getting ready was already a routine. I put black lace-up combat boots on topped with balmain cargo pants; the camo kind not the girly crap, and a salmon colored tank top with a light green leather jacket. Which took exactly 30 seconds to put on. Next for hiding my weapons. Two knives hidden in each boot, two semi automatic pistols in each knee pocket, two Kimber 1911 Compact, .45ACPs concealed in my belt, and lastly, two double-edged blades strapped to my back underneath my clothes. Hey, don't judge me! You never know when you might need weapons!

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