An understanding

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 up this morning exhausted, hadn't had a shower in a day and a half (big deal -.-). My dad sees that I'm awake and this conversation ensues:

dad: You are going to take a shower aren't you?

Me: Of course! I have places to be today!

Dad: Good, that might freshen up the house...

Me: **scoff** sfx: Hits dad on the arm

Dad:What? I was kidding!!

So yeah, my Dad is officially a cheese ball! onto the next chapter!

(P.S the song is what I was listening to to get into a touchy-feely mood for the heart-to-heart ;)


Alice (days later)

We had just gotten back from sorting out the paperwork, officially making me Jackson's guardian! We had stopped for ice cream at a place that was supposed to be called "Farrell's" something but the letters were covered in  bird's nests so it kind of looked like "Farewell" to celebrate. it was still one of the best ice cream cones I'd had in years, despite the screwed up sign. Somehow Jackson got it all over his face and I got it all over my hands- so it was a typical trip to the Ice cream shop. Once we got home I made some tacos with extra whipped cream to celebrate. Jackson helped me by watching the meat brown while I chopped up the veggies, and shredded the cheese. It was nice working together, very methodical and soothing. Once it was at the table and prepared to our specifications, we put the food right up to our mouths ready to absorb the delicious and crunchy taste- and then there was a knock on the door. Great...

But it just turned out to be Santos, Reina, Maddie, Jordan, and Chris. Adrian was a no-show. I didn't want to see his face at the moment anyway. He had laughed at me so much that I was bound to snap at some point.

Maddie brought some home-made guacamole-with help from her mother- Santos brought churros (real ones, not from taco bell),Reina brought some wine, Jordan different kinds of soda, and Chris brought beer(typical of him). So- of course Jackson and I ended up making even more tacos to compensate for the amount of people eating. It was more fun than I initially thought it would be, although someone gave Jackson some wine, which I would deal with later (I had a sneaking suspicion that Chris was the culprit), and the neighbors kept banging on our door to keep it down.

Once the celebration died down some, we started just chatting. First we were talking about the apartment Maddie and Chris were buying so that they could move in together, and then they wanted to know all of the arrangements that had been made during the adoption process that we were going to go through with. I was in the middle of explaining when I  heard another knock on the door. I sighed in aggravation and swiveled in my chair so that I was facing the door.

"The Party's over so you can quit complaining Mrs. Robinson, John, Mr. Saints, Mr. and Mrs. Neeson, or Cathy. Whichever one you are." I called over. there was silence. and then another knock. I grumbled and got up to unlock the door. when I was finally done fiddling with it I flung the door open "I said you can stop complai- oh" It was Adrian of course.He had terrible bags under his eyes, and he had -Reina would call it- sex hair. A bruise was starting to form on his jaw, which probably meant that he had just been in another fight, but he didn't look too bad, so he had most likely won.

"Seriously? You're going to show up at my apartment in the middle of the evening?" I asked in aggravation. He just looked at me for a second then leaned in.

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