Chapter 10

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I walk into a room with Finn it so beautiful everything looks so crystalline and fragile but still looks so strong and sturdy "This is the ice room meant for training young ice fae" I nod "So what next" I ask unsure of the response

"Well I try to get you to summon ice spells" I laugh "I already can do that" he turns to face me "No you can only do it when you are emotionally worked up" he's right but I don't want to tell him that so I just glare careful to avoid glaring at him

He chuckles lightly "Come on you know I am right it's not embarrassing you are very young even by human standards" my cheeks start to turn red "I am not saying that's bad because it's really good, our species has a really low birth rate per decade a little above a 100"

"That's more than I though" I say "But a lot are killed by other fae or other supernatural's"

"That's horrible why would they do that" why kill children the world is a terrible place full of disgusting people "They all want Power" I quickly respond "There are the ways to get power"

"Yes there are but it makes him feel powerful as well as become powerful you see it's the Innocence there after" my eyes widen "It's okay there's nothing you can do about it" I want to cry and scream "There should be something we can do about it"

"I can train you on your powers and once you master your powers you can go and protect as you wish" I nod as a tear slides down my face


Alister's Point Of View

It hurts so much for him to be ripped away from me and Blake
"Where did he go he just vanished. We need to send people out to find him Alister" Blake yells at worriedly

It's been a day since Derek disappeared in that brilliant light
mine and Blake's wolf is crying out in anger wanting to rip who's ever taken Derek "I don't think we are going to find him but I'll send four parties out see if I am wrong"

Blake looks me in the eye tears threating to fall "He was just starting to accept us why I need him my heart and wolf are crying out in anger and pain" he starts to walk towards me "Why aren't you showing any emotion besides anyonance" my eyes widen what he says hurts but he is right I want to ball up and cry but I need to stay strong for the pack "You know why" Blake shakes his head "Fuck the pack for as second we just lost our mate being emotional is understandable"

"It's not just the pack it's my parents if they see anything they see as weakness they will make me wait longer to take the position of Alpha" Blake looks into my eyes more deeply "Just tell me you feel something" I look away "I do okay I am angry and my heart aches I want to curl up and cry but I need to stay strong for you guys and the pack I love Derek and you" he runs at me I open my arms embracing him

Blake falls asleep in my arms
"we'll get him back someway"
I pick Blake up in my arms and take him to the bed crawl in with him and fall asleep to the sounding of Blake's breathing

I'm back thank you for all your support Marry day after Christmas I know it's a short chapter but I promise to write more.

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