Ennard x Baby

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Reader: Ennard it's your turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( he takes the phone and looks at the picture of him with Baby)

Ennard: ok um this is a problem because I'm in love with her and Ballora... and I don't know who to choose, and their best friends so I don't want to start anything and I don't wanna ruin their friendship

Ennard: this picture is cute tho

( Baby heard all the words he said)

Baby: omg he loves me
But I don't wanna tell Ballora because she likes him too and It will break her heart

Author's note

Yea... there's gonna be a love triangle between Baby, Ballora and Ennard

Do y'all think he's going to choose Ballora or Baby???

You'll find out soon

Anyways happy new years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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