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"So basically you're telling me that Shawn got a pig as a pet and he found it where exactly?" Johanna asked Topanga as she explained what happened earlier today "he found it in your old trailer park oh and he also named it little Cory" Johanna groaned loudly, Shawn will someday driver her so crazy that she'll have to go to an asylum.

"I'm gonna kill him" Johanna stormed off to find Shawn and Cory, she found them near the classroom she instantly hit Shawn's head "what the hell were you thinking getting a pig as a pet? you can barely take care of yourself let alone a freaking pig!" she saw the pig standing beside Shawn she couldn't help but pet him.

"I thought that having a pet would be a great way for me to show you that i'm maturing" Johanna tried to calm herself, she tried not to get too angry with him she didn't want to treat him like a kid. "Okay why didn't you at least talk to me about this?" she asked, he ran his hand through his head "because I knew you'd freak out"

Johanna sighed, he's right she has too be more calm and understanding "I'm sorry that I freaked out but I want you to talk to me and see me as a friend and not as a mother, I just hate that i'm always the last person you talk too and tell things"

Shawn gave her a dubious look "but you're literally the first person I talk too in the morning you call me everyday" she lifted her eyebrows "Shawn-" he interrupted her "I get it, i'm sorry from now on i'll tell you things but you gotta promise that you'll give me the space that I need"

she smiled "I promise" Cory patted both of their shoulders "awe; look at you two talking things out man having a pig is sure making school fun, but the fun is over. Look who's coming."

the three of them saw Feeny coming towards them "Uh-oh Feeny." said Shawn as soon as Shawn said it, the pig instantly ran to the hole that Shawn made in the middle of his locker "What the hell?" she shook her head, Cory was surprised "You taught him that?" Shawn shook his head he was surprised as well "No. He just knows."

Johanna and Mr. Feeny stood together "So Mr. Feeny did you write my recommendation letter?" asked Johanna, the teacher sighed "you ask me this question everyday and I still have the same answer Ms. Hunter. No" she huffed out a breath.

Eric ran to Mr. Feeny and Johanna "Mr. Feeny. Imagine finding you here, with Jo standing beside you" Mr. Feeny answered grimly "I work here. what can I do for you Mr. Matthews?" Eric answered "You know, I've been thinking about school, reading up on colleges, trying to pick the right one for me. Hm?"

he showed them the picture of the college he wants to go to "Girls of the Ivy League. Goodbye, Mr. Matthews" Johanna shuddered, she flicked his shoulders "you disgusting pervert" he gave her a guilty look.

he stopped in front of Mr. Feeny "Uh, no, wait, Mr. Feeny Have you heard of a college called Ya-le?" Jo and Mr. Feeny both corrected Eric "You mean Yale?" Eric nodded with enthusiasm "Is that one any good?" he asked obliviously, Jo shook her head "it's one of the best universities in the country"

Mr. Feeny inched closer to Eric "Eric. Hear my words It's no party school." Eric smirked "Oh, well, excuse me, Mr. Feeny, but according to this here girl floating on the raft reading the physics book, Yale rocks."

Mr. Feeny explained to Eric trying to talk some sense into him "Eric. Yale has perhaps the highest admission standards in the country. Johanna could may be go there" they both looked at Mr. Feeny with shock, Jo stuttered "I could?"

Mr. Feeny smiled "Of course you could Ms. Hunter you're a brilliant student if you put your mind into it you could go anywhere" Johanna smiled with content happy with what Mr. Feeny said to her, she never thought of going to Yale.

"Eric we should start applying to universities we want to go to" suggested Jo, Eric shrugged "yeah sure lets do it, but I have a question that i'm going to need a yes or no answer to. How many people get into Yale every year?" Johanna sighed "No Eric just no" he winked at her, "Oh, I'm hearing what you're saying and i'm winking right back at you" she begged "please don't"


Johanna was sitting outside reading a book, while Mr. Feeny was trimming his plants. They were both comfortable with the silence, until Eric interrupted the silence "Mr. Feeny Imagine finding you here." he looked at Eric and answered neutrally "I live here"

Eric chuckled and opened Mr. Feeny's back door "Anyway, you know, I was thinking about what you said, about how you had friends at Yale, and I was wondering what it would take for a man like George Feeny to Oh, look what Eric dropped." they both looked at the paper then they looked at each other.

Johanna rolled her eyes "Mr. Feeny don't bother picking up the paper" Eric glared at Jo "you're not helping as usual" she shrugged, Eric picked the the paper up "Here you are, Mr. Feeny a gift." Mr. Feeny asked "Two box seats to tomorrow night's opera? Is this a bribe?"

Johanna rolled her eyes at Eric's stupidness "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't a bribe. This is, uh This is me doing something nice for you, hoping that someday you'll do something nice for me." he coughed "Yale"

Mr. Feeny said "Mr. Matthews, I will do something nice for you. Places like Yale embrace young people with culture. Ms. Hunter you're welcome to join me" Jo smiled at the teacher "Mr. Feeny I love how you're complimenting me all day, does that mean you love me more than Eric?"

He sighed "Here I thought you were an adult but I guess I was wrong" she smirked at him, Mr. Feeny looked at Eric "So that means i'll pick you up at 7;30" Eric made a face at Mr. Feeny "Feeny say what?" Mr. Feeny looked at him with a half smile on his face "Feeny say 7:30." he went to his house.

Jo shouted "Mr. Feeny you're my new hero" Eric glared at Jo "I hate you, you know" she smiled "maybe now you do but I know that you're secretly in love with me" he forced a smile "please you wish" he sat beside her "so does that mean that i'm really going to the opera?" she put his hands on his shoulders feeling sorry for him "yeah buddy you are"

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