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After class it was their lunch time. Eric was hanging the poster about the movie he was going to show.

Everyone was booing, Eric shouted "Hey hey get off my back, trying to get into college here." the rest of the students threw papers at him, Jo also threw a paper at his face.

He sighed with defeat "you too?" she laughed and shrugged. Joey and Frankie stood up, Joey looked around and said "Hey, hey, hey, hey! Shut all your traps." he continued "It says Clint Eastwood's in this picture."

Eric nodded with approval "singing" said Frankie, Johanna gave both of the boys a look.

She stood up and stood beside Eric, Joey smirked and said "Hey Jo, you look good today" Joey always flirted with her, she knows he wont cross the line because he knows she can kick his ass.

"Don't call me Jo. Ever." she hit his shoulder with her finger, Frankie smiled at her "come on, were you friends" Eric and Johanna looked at each other and started laughing.

"your funny Frankie, never knew you had a sense of humor." said Eric while patting his shoulder, ignored them and continued "Word around the halls is your ticket sales are a little lackluster, Matthews."

Frankie continued "And to that end, we have a business proposition." Both of the boys nodded at each other.

Frankie said "We'll take all the tickets and we'll sell the show out for you." Eric looked at Jo with side smile and said "cool", Frankie came closer and said "We'll take all the tickets and we'll sell the show out for you."

Eric looked confused and said "Piece. Piece of what?" Johanna shook her head and said "for profit you idiot." Joey nodded with a wink and said "Thank you sweetheart."

Johanna ignored him "You see, we've got our fingers in every organization in this school." said Joey proud of himself "Except the mime club. those guys give me the creeps." said Frankie with a shudder, Eric shuddered with them. Johanna said "you guys are honestly boring me" while playing with her fingers.

The two boys rolled their eyes at her, Frankie suddenly ran towards the mime. Johanna knew they were hustling Eric, but she usually went along with them so later she can try or fails to stop Eric from doing something stupid.

Eric slouched and said "Oh, wait a minute, I know what this is. You guys can forget it, all right?" Joey inched closer and said " Hey, nobody says forget it to Joey the Rat."

Johanna stood in front of him and said "Joey, i'm glad you know that you're a rat." she held his collar and said "stop threatening people, you tiny little rat."

Johanna looked at him with anger, so done with his attitude towards people. He said nothing and walked towards Frankie.

Eric kissed Jo's cheeks and said "I appreciate you defending me, but I can handle myself." Johanna looked at him, and lifted her eyebrow and said "Eric, you can't defend yourself from Morgan let alone Joey."

Eric opened his eyes and said "pfft please I defended you from an angry dog once, remember?" Johanna laughed, as she remembered the events of that day and said

"Eric! you threw me in front of the dog and begged for mercy" Eric shook his head with denial "I don't remember that happening, stop making things up" Eric rolled his eyes.

Johanna patted his head "whatever helps you sleep at night." she walked towards the vender, Eric immediately followed her.


Johanna was sitting in the living room, watching tv when she heard Cory coming to the house and complain as usual.

She got up and walked to the kitchen and nodded her head to Cory "what up?" he was colouring something, looked up at her and said "you'll only make things worse." she threw her hands up defensively and looked at Ms. Matthews and said "what did I do?"

The mother gestured to Cory and said "according to him, women only bring heartache.", Johanna smiled sweetly at Cory and said "It's topanga isn't it?" he didn't look at her.

Eric was taking something from the fridge and said "You know, Mom, I'm sensing one of those brother-to-brother moments. I can take it from here."

Ms. Matthews bowed and said "My pleasure, he's all yours." she walked upstairs. Johanna didn't wanna ruin their moment so she stood up and said to Eric "i'll be at the couch in the living room." Eric gestured for her to sit down and said "You sit here. Now." She sighed and sat down.

Eric put his hand on the chair and the other holding a soda and stated "You know, Cor, a little song comes to mind that might be able to help you through these tough times."

Cory looked at him, a smile appeared at Eric's face as he sang "Topanga's going out with Shawn Topanga's going out with Shawn"

He continued on singing, Johanna threw her unfinished apple at Eric's face and said "Eric you're making it worse." Cory glared at Eric and said "bite me",

Johanna smiled sympathetically at Cory and said "don't listen to him, I don't think my brother likes Topanga." Cory looked at the table and said "I still don't believe Topanga really likes Shawn. In fact, I'm gonna call her and find out." He walked to the telephone

"Yeah, yeah. Why don't you just take the cordless up to the roof so after you talk to her you can jump?" Eric said in a mocking way, he looked at Johanna to find her glaring at him. he sighed "You're really hurting, aren't you? That just takes all the fun out of it."

He gestured for Cory to sit down "I've never felt so horrible before.I mean, I'm sitting here like this, and she's out there having a good time.It makes no sense, you guys."

Johanna suggested "why don't you talk to her yourself? and ask her what she really feels about you and get it over with." Eric nodded and said "she stole the words out of my mouth." he suddenly smiled "our minds are connected in so many ways."

Johanna put her hand up "Eric, no." he pouted and said "you told me I was Magneto and you are Charles Xavier."

she looked at him with confusion "what does that have to do with anything?" Eric had a thinking look on his face, after three seconds he shrugged "I don't know, it's the only thing I had on my mind."

She was going to call him a dumbass, when Cory said "Hello did you forget about sad little Cory." Eric looked at him and said "Oh you're still here. Look, Cory, Cory, Cory? I got about ten seconds of sincerity left in me, so don't interrupt, all right? Ask a girl what she's thinking, she'll feel cornered."

Johanna looked at Eric "that's what I said."

"So what do I do?" asked Cory, "Ask her best friend.Straight answers, no pressure. Time's up." Eric gave Cory a thin smile, Cory lifted his eyebrows and smiled to himself "Oh yeah, Trini." he walked to his room.

Eric sighed and said "i'm bored let's watch tv." Johanna purposely shook him off and yawned "No you go, i'll sleep." he gave her a deadpanned look and said "like hell you are." he walked towards her and carried her to the couch while she laughed.

Butterfly ≫ Eric Matthews जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें