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It was finally time. Today was the day we were moving into Stark Towers. And I felt nervous. Sure, I could fight hordes of monsters without batting an eye but moving to a completely new environment with people I didn't know nor think I could trust was worrying to say the least. I'd managed to at least insist that there was no way in Tartarus that Mr Stark, or Uncle, I guess, could make a whole big deal out of it, (he had wanted to hold a press conference, imagine). And if my current luck held out, I wouldn't bump into a single Avenger the entire time I was staying there. Okay, okay, I know demigod luck is never the greatest. But surely the Fates aren't just going to chuck a whole pile of trouble at me now? Yeah, it's that's wishful thinking but I can hope. I really didn't need any more trouble in my life right now, it was already stressful enough having to live with a man I hadn't known existed until a few days ago and look after my baby sister.

Although, I had to admit that the architecture was amazing. I stared up at the sloping steel disappearing into the clouds, gobsmacked. The Tower seemed to stretch up infinitely and the joins were seamlessly welded to make it appear as if made from one material. Annabeth would love this. She was more into Grecian architecture, which is unsurprising if you think about it, but she would appreciate the architectural design that Mr Stark had dreamt up. I mean, I was astounded by it and I'm not even the architectural geek. I guess she'd been rubbing off on me.

I had agreed to meet Mr Stark at the Tower at around midday as I wanted to go back to the apartment by myself. I hadn't thought it would be so hard. Especially since I'd had the funeral to mourn. I should be used to death. Gods know, I had seen enough of it. Walking back in to that apartment, however, only reminded me of that night. The years mom and I had lived there, swept away by a monster of their own kind. All I could hear was the gunshots, ringing in my ears. And the silence. The deathly silence that had only been broken by Lizzy's cries. I wanted to say goodbye to them, collect up a few photos, pack away their stuff to remember them by. But I couldn't force myself to walk through their bedroom doorway, still shrouded in tattered slithers of police tape. And I knew, as much as no one had said it, that it was my fault. I wasn't quick enough. I let my guard down and when they needed me the most, I wasn't there. I was as worthless as a stranger to them. What right did I have to be mourning them when I am the reason that we were having to mourn? I could blame Mr Stark as much as I wanted for not being there but I knew, deep down, the only person I could blame was myself. After allowing myself to wallow in my self-pity for too long, disgust filled me at my behaviour. I didn't have the right to pity myself. So, with those cheery thoughts always at the forefront of my mind, I hurried out of the apartment with the little that I had kept there and Lizzy's stuff.

And that had brought me here. Standing in front of the Avengers Tower, too dazed to enter. Lizzy, not used to at the bustling streets and loud traffic of central New York, began to wail noisily. Startled out of my reverie, I shushed her gently and rocked her back and forth as I braved the crowded lobby.

Hobbling through the crowds of employees and press members milling through the doors of Stark Towers, I made my way to the reception where I waited expectantly for the man at the desk to acknowledge me.

He didn't.

So, I coughed loudly. He hardly batted an eyelid as he continued typing away on his computer, eyes fixed firmly on his screen. I looked down at my shabby sneakers and baggy sweatshirt and realised that I probably looked like one of Stark's starstruck fans who would try to weasel their way into the tower by attempting to trick the front desk. I coughed again and he finally glanced up at me, giving me a bored expression as if to say "What now?"

"I'm, erm, here to pick up a pass?" I stumbled, unsure of what exactly Stark had left for me. The officer at the precinct had not been very forthcoming on the details, other than where and when I was to meet him.

"Like I haven't heard that one before," he groused, eyes fixed firmly on his work. "Go home kid. Mr Stark is a very busy man, running his company. He doesn't have time to show up to half his meetings, never mind talk to one of his fans."

"No, really, I'm meant to be here. My name's Perseus Jackson, and this is my sister, Elizabeth Jackson. Or... maybe, we might be down as Percy and Lizzy?" I tapped my feet anxiously. What if he'd forgotten and I was just stuck standing here looking like a wally? I didn't even have another way of contacting him.

"Perseus Jackson? Fine, kid, I'll check it for you. But if it doesn't come up, you're leaving the premises immediately or I'm calling security." Grumbling, he entered my name into the system, clearly not expecting any results. A surprised look crossed his face before he schooled his features. "Alright Mr Jackson! Guess I was wrong, sorry for doubting you. Here's your pass and if you just head over to the elevators on your right, swipe the pass and press the 14th floor, you'll be right up to him."

"Thanks," I grinned easily, my nerves dissipating. Not a mistake, just an irritated receptionist then. It didn't mean I was completely calm though; I was still on edge for actually meeting my uncle. I wonder if he'd be anything like my mom.

The ride up to the 14th floor seemed endless. You'd think for a man who is the leading name in engineering at the moment, his lift would be faster. Lizzy was distracted by the buttons thankfully, so it was a fairly peaceful journey as I pondered on what lay in store. He undoubtedly would blame me as well for his sister's death and must've only taken us in feeling as if it was his duty. Besides I was almost 18 and I'd soon be out of his hair. So, he must at least want Lizzy, she was still so young.

"Hey kid," I was greeted at the elevator by Mr Stark ruffling my hair, as if we were friends in any way whatsoever. "I gotta let you know that we've got some extra guests in the Tower for the next few weeks. Just for some extra work stuff, they'll be out of our hair in no time."


Mr Stark's left eyebrow shifted upwards slightly. Was I supposed to have automatically guessed?

"The Avengers."

Holy Hera. I swore I could almost hear the Fates cackling.

For My Love (Percy Jackson/Avengers Crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz