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I was fiddling with one of the bolts on Dum-E's front panel as he wriggled under my grip when JARVIS interrupted me. Momentarily distracted, Dum-E took the chance to wheel away as quickly as he possibly could, making me chuckle.

"Sir, Miss Potts requests your presence in your office," the emotionless British voice echoed out of the overhead speaker. It still felt odd to hear the voice that had belonged to the sole father figure in my life sound so mechanical.

"Tell her I'm busy. Oh, come here, I'm not going to hurt you," I chided Dum-E as I attempted to chase him around the room. "If you don't stand still, you're getting the cap again."

I had chucked Bruce out because I wanted to make some improvements to the suit and he was much too focused on the safety of it all, constantly lecturing me for my 'apparent lack of self-preservation instincts'. Says the man who turns green and angry after too much time exposed to gamma radiation. Clearly, he was being a bit of a hypocrite now, he wasn't being very safe then.

"Sir, Miss Potts says that it's a matter of emergency and to relay this exact message for you." JARVIS interrupted again, Pepper's voice cutting in.

"Tony Stark, you better get your ass up here right now because this mess is your business and absolutely not mine."

I sighed; I didn't think I'd done anything recently. Unless she found out about the small fire, I started the other day and wanted to further berate me. I had already had enough of a lecture from Captain 'I haven't been laid since the 1940s and it really shows' because the sprinklers suddenly went off while the rest of the team were having movie night and "just because I was too antisocial to join them, didn't mean I had to ruin it." Antisocial? I scoffed, I was renowned for being a playboy and I don't think that came from being 'antisocial'.

I was welcomed with the lovely surprise of Nick Fury's presence in my office, his regular friendly expression greeting me. I must have royally fucked up this time if S.H.I.E.L.D. were getting involved, Fury usually just told Natasha to pass on a message to me and Natasha usually enforced it by kicking my ass during training. But to have the man himself in my office meant I'd probably destroyed some diplomatic treaty.

"Fury. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I drawled. He didn't scare me, the man just put me on edge because whoever was in charge of Barton and Romanoff clearly was one hell of a man.

"Have you looked at the news recently?" Okay so whatever I had done was big enough to hit the news so therefore it must be recent. Stark Enterprises mess up? But that was Pepper's business, she was CEO not me, the main reason why I hadn't taken the job.

"No, I've been working for the past 3 or 4 days?" I sat down in my chair, pouring myself a scotch. Fury's eyes narrowed as he took in the simple action, judging me as usual. God, I was starving, I also couldn't remember the last time I slept which explained why I couldn't focus properly.

Fury exchanged a glance with Pepper who looked almost worried.

"What've I done now?"

"Nothing. Surprisingly, I'm not here to lecture you but I've got some news for you. Do you know a Sally Jackson?" Fury hesitated over his words, something I'd never seen him do before. Maybe he thought I'd fly off the handle at the news. Now, Sally Jackson wasn't a name I'd heard in a while. Nor did I particularly want to talk about the individual in question because our current relationship was absolutely my fault.

I laughed coldly. "You didn't come just to say hi then? Shame."

At Fury's pointed stare I groaned frustratedly, pinching the bridge of my nose as I furrowed my brows.

For My Love (Percy Jackson/Avengers Crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin