Chapter 18 - I've fucked up

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Tyrell's pov

Elliot closes the car's door. I watch as he walks inside the building. I start the engine and start driving home.

He remembers what happened back there? Is he starting to remember... everything? If he does, what's going to happen to me? What will happen to us?

I can feel my heartbeat speed up.

I only know about this one thing he remembers. Is there already more?

I have to stop the car. I turn the rear-view mirror away so I can't see myself in it.

But so far it seems like he only remembers... good things. How long will it take for him to remember I shot him? And how will he react?

I can't make these thoughts and questions stop. I'm worried. I don't want to lose him.

It's just a matter of time he'll find out. He will feel hurt and betrayed, I think.

I sigh. There's an odd feeling in my throat. Like I was throwing up my own heart.

I will lose him, no matter what. He doesn't trust people. I have no chance to earn his trust back.

I feel my eyes tear up.

What will happen when he finds out the person he thought he could trust actually almost killed him? Should I just tell him? No. I can't do that.

I close my eyes and lean back. One single tear rolls down my cheek.


Bonsoir, ElliotWhere stories live. Discover now