Last Chapter - Au revoir, Elliot

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Tyrell's pov

My phone is ringing. It's Elliot.

"Tyrell? We need to talk."

"What is this about?"

Elliot sounds nervous.

"Just... come see me at my apartment. It's urgent."

"Alright then. Are you okay?"

"Just come. As soon as possible."

"Alright. I'm pretty close, shouldn't take too long."

He hangs up before I have the time to say anything. Luckily I'm just few blocks from Elliot's apartment.

Well that was weird. Why did he sound so restless? So nervous? His voice was shaking. He tried to hide it but it was obvious.

I look for a place to park my car. I find one pretty fast since there's not much traffic at the moment.

I can hear my heartbeat. My hands are sweating. Judging from Elliot's voice, this can't be anything good.

I park my car and get out. I take a look at my watch. I take a deep breath. I walk the rest of the way there.

Okay. I can do this. It's probably not even anything that bad.

I knock on his door. I hear footsteps coming closer, and then stopping.

He's not opening the door but I can feel his presence on the other side.

"Elliot... I know you're there," I say with a shaky voice.

No answer.

"Didn't you want to talk?" I continue. "I'm here now, let's talk."

After a while of silence Elliot opens the door. He let's me in but doesn't say anything. He doesn't even look at me.

I walk in and he closes the door. He still doesn't say anything. I sit down to the sofa and look at him. He walks closer to me and sits down to a chair, facing me.

He lifts his head and looks straight to my eyes. I feel uneasy. This isn't Elliot. At least not the Elliot I know.

"So?" I ask after a while.

I try to sound more confident than I actually am right now. Because right now I feel like a trapped animal. That's how powerful his quiet stare actually is.

He takes a deep breath. He leans back but doesn't break the eye contact.

"I remember," he says.

Those words hit me like a truck. A hot wave goes through my body.

"Re... remember what?" I ask and keep looking in his eyes.

It's pretty obvious though. I know what he's talking about.

"I remember," he repeats. "And now I know why you have been so kind to me and why you stayed in the hospital."

My eyes widen. I can’t think of anything to say. My mind is completely empty. I'm just staring at him, with pure terror in my face. Elliot sighs and smiles. His smile is cold and empty. Maybe sad even.

"My own fucking boyfriend shot me," he says quietly. "He almost kills me and doesn't even say a word."

I quickly stand up and turn around. I just can't look at his face now. I look out of the window.

"He just decides to make me fall for him," Elliot continues. "And acts like he did nothing wrong."

I close my eyes. A single tear rolls down my cheek.

"Like nothing even happened," he says and I can hear the bitterness in his voice. "That's pretty fucked up, don't you think."

I try not to cry more but another tear escapes.

I hear Elliot standing up and taking few steps. I still don't turn around. I don't want to see him.

"Please turn around," Elliot says right behind me. "I want to see your face."

I take a deep breath and lift my head. I open my eyes. I can’t see properly. My eyes are covered in warm tears and everything is blurry.


I wipe my tears and turn around. Elliot takes a step closer. Our faces are just few inches apart.

"I know why you did it," He whispers. "Because I told you to."

His face is emotionless. Not even single tear in his eyes.

"Too bad Elliot doesn't know," he says. "And he never will."

I hear one gunshot. In that exact moment Elliot's face changes from cold and empty to panicky and devastated. Tears fill his eyes.

My stomach feels warm. I look down. Red. Everything is red. I look back at Elliot's face.

Everything is blurry. My legs give up and I fall down. I can’t see anything anymore. Every voice sounds so distant.

This is it. It's over now. Au revoir, Elliot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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