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"Come to Alexis, mommy." She smiled at me.

"Go on, you got it baby girl, walk straight to mommy." My dad chuckled.

I staggered onto my tiny feet, and smiled. It took me a while to steady my balance on my tiny feet.

"You go it baby. I'm right here." She said opening her arms.

Oh, mommy is so beautiful, I wanna be in her warm embrace.

I slowly walked to her, taking my time with each step. I followed her sweet melodic voice, each one guiding me, Daddy's voice pushing me on.

One more step and she has her arms wrapped around me, I smile and attempt to wrap my small arms around her.

"I love you Alexis, my sweet baby."


I woke abruptly from my nap, to feel tears coming down my face. My heart felt heavy at the sweet memory with my mom. Not long I was feeling broken and betrayed.

Despite what my mother had become, I loved her no matter what. She betrayed me, for drugs. The more I thought about it, the more my heart shattered.

I felt sickened with myself again, and before I knew it I was kneeling over the toilet, placing my two fingers in my mouth.

Rescue Me. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن