Chapter 15

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**Ace's POV**

After messing around with the boys for awhile, I began to get light headed and went up to the tree house to lay down. I laid on the floor, oddly it was more comfortable than the bed. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything. My wound didn't hurt, but I knew it was affecting me. I have seven days, my brother is dead, my father is killing me. Wasn't exactly what you would consider a great day.

I thought about Peter. He couldn't go to Hook. I wouldn't let him. I wasn't worth it, I couldn't let Hook get him just so he can save me. So, I had seven days with him. I was going to do what I could, have fun, let loose. Do my best to forget about what's happening and when I die, I die. It was simple. He was stubborn, though, and would probably not listen to me, which worried me. His life was more important than mine, it was obvious. He had more things to live for than I did, he was the only thing I had. He had Neverland and his boys, people that needed and cared for him.

I sighed, and stopped thinking about it. I thought about John, still lying dead down there. He should've known, he was such an idiot. Hook never wanted us, John should've seen it. But he was to blind by thinking he finally had a parent, he would do anything to keep them. If he would've just listened to me... but why do I care? He hated me, too, and I hated him. My family was just a circle of hate, well, before two of them died.

Shouldn't I be happy I was dying, though? I mean, that's what I wanted earlier. But I don't want it now, and of course, this time no one can save me, or at least, I won't let them.

I heard a foot step onto the floor of the tree house floor and I closed my eyes. I already knew who it was and I didn't want to look at him right now.

"Ace, I know you're not asleep," he said. "Why are you on the floor?"

"What do you have against the floor?" I asked, opening my eyes and turning my head to look at Peter. He smiled, but it didn't last.


"You're not going anywhere near that bloody ship so don't even mention it," I snapped.

He sighed. "I have to. I can't stand to see you like this."

"Like what?" I asked. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees. I stared up at him. "Until I die, we're going to pretend that I'm fine."

"Look, you already won't let me go to Hook, at least let me not ignore it."

"Whatever," I mumbled.

Peter sat down next to me, also holding his knees. "I just wish that I just killed him. But I have to play games and I put you at risk with that. And now I'm going to lose you because I didn't."

"Don't blame yourself, blame Hook and the dead man down there. They played us."

We were quiet for a while, just staring at the wall, neither of us knowing what to say.

"You know I love you, right?" he asked, looking over at me.

"No I definitely did not know, Peter Pan," I said laughing, facing him.

"Well you do now." Our lips were almost an inch away and he closed the gap. I kissed him back passionately, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer to him. I was going to miss him, if you could miss someone when your dead.

After a while we pulled away and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you too."

"I know," he whispered. "I've got to get back to the boys, are you staying here?"

I nodded, I wanted some time to think. He scooped me up bridal style and I squealed. "What are you doing!" I exclaimed.

"Getting you off the floor." He walked over to the bed and dropped me on it. I threw one of the pillows at his face.

"Maybe I like the floor!" I laughed.

"Too bad," he said with a smirk, catching the pillow. "Now you should probably rest, just don't die in your sleep."

"No promises." He half smiled and left. I took a deep breath, looking over at myself in the mirror.

I was still my same short self with my long straight brunette hair and emerald eyes. But I felt different. Maybe it was because I was dying, I don't know. I just felt different. And I was tired of seeing myself like this. It reminded me of everything that just happened and all those days back in the Enchanted Forest. I looked away, I just needed rest.

**Peter's POV**

I left Ace in the tree house and went back down to the boys, who were all quiet now, some throwing knives, others just sitting around. I knew what happened upset them too. I sat on my stump, closest the fire and leaned forward, my elbows on my knees and hands clasped in front of me. I wasn't sure what I was. Mad, upset, hurt, angry. They all seemed to be the same. All I knew was that I was going to find a way to save her, Peter Pan never fails. And I was going to kill Hook, no games or anything, he was a dead man.

Felix walked over and sat next to me. "There's got to be some way, to get the antidote from Hook and get away."

"I know that, I just need to figure out how." I shook my head. "That bloody pirate will regret this."

"He will. He didn't just mess with you, he messed with all of us. She's pretty fun and all of the boys like her."

I nodded and put my face in my hands. "We need a plan as soon as possible, and I'm drawing a blank."

"We have seven days, you'll think of something. Peter Pan never fails," Felix said

"That's not helping, Felix," I growled. He got up and walked away and I sat there watching the fire. I needed a plan, now.

**Ace's POV**

I couldn't rest, no matter how hard I tried. I slowly got up and walked over to the mirror. I sat in a chair in front of it and looked at myself. I was definitely exhausted, with bags under my eyes. I looked at myself and thought about my life. All the abuse, the past few days, my family, and I always looked like this. All my horrible moments tied to this look. But yet, those few best were also. The past few days with Peter and the Lost Boys have been the best in my life, but that couldn't equal everything that had gone wrong in my life.

I pulled my hair back with a ponytail that was on the table. I could see my face better now. My cheekbones and my small ears especially. I didn't look horrible, but I wasn't beautiful either. I took the dagger out of my belt and put it on the table. I looked at it. Did I really want to do this? If I were back in the Enchanted Forest I would've never done this, why now? Because, now I'm Ace. I'm no longer Acelina, I'm Ace, the first Lost Girl. She isn't afraid of much and doesn't want to be a good girl. And if I was going to die, I wasn't going to die as Acelina, I was going to die as Ace.

With that, I picked up the dagger and cut the ponytail off.

**Author's Note**

thanks to @falseluck for her amazing comment (this is only part of it) "hook gets worst dad ever award" I couldn't agree more

omg I have 1.46k reads and almost 200 votes not that I'm complaining but are you people crazy my writing sucks!

sorry if it's short :/

what do you guys think of the new cover?! personally I like it more than the other. thoughts?  ~Peyton

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