Chapter 8

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**Author's Note** Thank you all for so many reads I am literally crying I know it's not as many as other stories but I'm afraid that people will hate my writing and seeing so many of you read it brightens my day. thank you all so much :) oh and fyi I made up felix's past its original  ~ Peyton

I took a deep breath after telling Pan, or Peter, that. I was tempted to look over at him but didn't want to see his expression. "What I never understood, and maybe you can enlighten me, is what happened between you two." Now I looked over at him. His expression was blank as he looked at me, his elbows resting on his knees like me.

"We agreed not to talk about it," he said. I could tell he was lying, but didn't want to question more about it. We sat in silence for a moment. I still didn't trust him, not for a second, but I guess I needed to tell someone about what I've been thinking.

"What bothers me is, my brother came to you, meaning he was lost. I was always the one they hurt, not him. I mean, he would be abused some times, but for me it was like daily. And he has the nerve to say he's lost?" I laughed a little. "I should shut up, this doesn't concern you anyway."

"It's fine," he said. He looked genuinely concerned, and there was a part of me believed he was, but I knew he mainly wasn't. He was Peter Pan, he didn't care about others feelings.

"How did you end up here?" I asked, trying to break the silence, and maybe, just maybe if I got him to open up, I could trust him more.

He gulped. "Let's just say it was a price I was willing to pay." He glared out at the water like it was a horrible memory.

**Peter's POV**

I wasn't about to tell her how I ended up here in Neverland. I preferred not to think about it, and she didn't need to know everything about me. Only Felix knows the truth, and I wasn't about to tell anyone else. Especially one of my enemies daughter that I just met.

"Come on, we've got to get back to the boys," I said, standing up.

"You mean, you have to?" she asked, looking up at me. She was gorgeous from this angle, the moonlight shining off her straight brunette hair. Her sparkling emerald eyes looking up into mine...

Stop Pan, I thought. I don't care.

"No, I mean we have to. I'm not about to leave you alone out here. First of all, you got Hook off the coast," I pointed to the ship, "and second I'm not sure if I fully trust you like the other Lost Boys yet."

She sighed, standing up. "Of course you don't. No matter how much I tell you, no matter how open I am, you won't trust me. Not now, not ever. That's just how you are Pan. The only one I think you might fully trust is Felix, and you seem wary of him," she snapped.

"You've got fire." I smirked. "I like fire."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you said we had to get back, let's go."

**Ace's POV**

Back at camp the boys seemed to still be hopping around the fire and enjoying themselves. Peter went off to talk to some boys and I sat back down on a log, watching the boys. A tall and lean one, Felix, if I remember correctly, came over and sat next to me. Now that he was closer to me I could see a scar coming down his left cheek from right below his eye to his chin.

"Hook's daughter, huh?" he asked.

"Does everybody know?" I growled.

"Just me and Pan, oh and then there's your brother," he said, smirking.

"I'm not like my... father," I said, shuddering. "In fact I hate him, I can't even stand to call him my father."

"Yeah, I know what it's like."

I looked at him curiously. "Really? What happened between you and you're father?"

"Well, he abandoned my mother and I, and every day she would be upset about it, I was ignored completely. We became rich, thanks to all the jobs I did and he came back begging for forgiveness, just for the money. Of course my mother being the desperate idiot she was let him in no matter how many times I asked her not to. He spent all of our money, pinned it on me, and beat me badly, and since my mother believed him, she let him. Every day I was there, he would beat me. And she wouldn't care, she thought I did it. One day, I heard Peter's flute and was brought here, where I have a real family," he explained.

"Is that why you have that scar?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded. "Oh my, I'm so sorry." And I was, and I felt like Felix had just told me something personal he'd never told anyone, and I felt like I could actually trust him.

"No, no pity. I hate it," he spat.

"Felix!" I heard Peter yell. We both looked up. Peter beckoned for Felix from across the fire. He silently got up and walked over. I sat there, staring at the fire through the dancing bodies.

I looked up at Peter and Felix, they were farther away, talking now. From here, the moonlight landed perfectly on Peter, making it look like he was glowing in a way. He was handsome, definitely. I shook my head. No! I don't care for him and i never will.

**Peter's POV**

I'm not sure why I was mad, I just was. I watched Ace and Felix talking, and it just made me... jealous? No! I was not jealous.

"Felix!" I called. They both looked up and I gestured for him to come over. He did and I began to walk towards the woods, a little ways from the fire. I leaned against a tree as he walked up and stood in front of me.

"What Peter?"

"What are you doing? Are you even on board with your own plan?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Of course, just gaining her trust, I could ask you the same thing, though. You were out there alone with her, are you on board?"

"Of course," I spat.

"Woah, Pan seems a little jealous," Felix teased raising an eyebrow.

"I am not jealous," I hissed. "We use her, we kill her. That's it."

"I don't know, though, Peter. I heard what she said 'bout Hook. She hates him, stopped calling him her father after what he's done. I don't think he'll care too much."

"Well, only one way to find out." I began to walk past him, but Felix grabbed my arm.

"I'm not going to stop you from using her, but when the time comes, and you can't bring yourself to do it, don't blame me," he whispered in my ear, letting go of my arm. I glared at him. Felix had always been like a brother to me, but now he was getting on my nerves. I didn't care for Ace, and I never would. This plan would work, I would make it.

**Author's note** Its kinda hard to capture Pan's awesomeness XD I hope this is okay sorry if these are short :/ Thanks! :) <3 I luv all my readers! ~Peyton

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