Chapter 2

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*Author's Note* hey guys sorry if you don't like it, I'm trying though! -Peyton

"You're worthless," my mum spat. "All you do is fool around all day. You're a disgrace, I certainly don't want you and neither does your father or brother."

"Father wants me."

"He's bloody Captain Hook! He doesn't care for you I'm the only one he'll ever care for, and he spends most of his time fighting bloody Peter Pan, not with me!"

"Get over yourself."

"Shut up!"

I glared at her. I never let her see the abuse hurt me, but it did. I stood my ground, she hated that. I looked over at John who sat there saying nothing. He's a year younger than me but taller, stronger. He could help! But did he? No he sat there and watched like... like a coward.

"If you don't want me send me to an orphanage or let me leave."

"No!" my mother screamed. "You'll do as we say or so help me I'll..."

"You'll what?!" I yelled. She rose her hand and smacked me across the face. My nose began to bleed, but I still held my ground.

"Why don't you ever learn to just give up!" my mum screamed. "When you grow up, you can't just fight your way through life!"

"I don't fight my way through life like you dad! And I don't want to grow up!"

"Then why don't you go to Neverland, huh? Get out of our lives and live with the evil Peter Pan."

"I doubt he's as evil as you and dad!" I screamed, turning around and storming upstairs to my room. I slammed the door and laid down on my bed, crying.

A few minutes later I heard the door creak open and John walk in, slowly closing it behind him. "Acelina, I-"

"You what?!" I yelled, looking over at him, tears streaming down my face. "You sat there and did nothing... again! You don't care, you never will."

"Don't tell me who I care about and who I don't! You know I hate them as much as you do."

"And you still do nothing. I want you out of my life, all of you!"

"Well too bad for you I sleep here. And no matter what you can't change the fact that we're a bloody family, whether you want to be apart of it or not," he growled.

"We may be related by blood, but we will never be a family," I said.


I had squeezed my eyes shut as soon as I saw that we were leaving. When I felt my feet touch the ground again, I opened my eyes. It was still night, the pale moonlight revealing our surroundings. Neverland. We stood on a beach, the tide rising and falling slowly. The moonlight sparkled on the water. There was a calm, gentle breeze and I smiled a little to myself. To my left was a giant forest with beautiful trees and what seemed like everlasting vegetation.

"Welcome to Neverland," Peter said with a smirk. The guys looked like they were in awe, then erupted in shouts and cheers. When they quieted down, Peter climbed upon a rock. "This is my island, no one leaves unless I allow it and all of you knew upon coming here you could not leave." He stretched out his arms. "Here you are free, as long as you obey me," he said, his smirk growing bigger. Odd, how could we be free if we had to follow his rules? "Welcome to Neverland, where you will never grow up, my Lost Boys."

*Author's Note* Guys please vote and comment if I should continue I'm not sure if I should.... thanks ~Peyton

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