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This is an alternate universe where both of them are not idols, not part of their respective groups.

Kim Hyunah

As cliche as it seemed to be, the first time she met him was when he ran into her one of her busiest morning, spilling half of his frappe onto her jacket. She was running really late that day, there were three sets of photographs she needed to send out to three different location, each nearly miles from the other, she couldn't even see him properly when he profusely apologised, handing his handkerchief which she accepted gratefully as she muttered 'It's okay', a tired smile formed on her lips directed at him while she walked away, taking off the coffee stained jacket and tied it around her waist. Thank god the photos were not damaged, it would be hell to edit it out again.

"Thank you, Junhyung oppa. It's really nice working with you"

She bowed to the slightly older guy, a project director of a magazine pictorial that she, with lots of luck, got to be part of. The guy grinned, adjusting his baseball cap.

"It's really nothing. You got in purely by your own. My role is just recommending you"

"And that, for me is a very big help"

He handed her an envelop containing the cheque for her payment by which she accepted eagerly. He took a sip from the lemon soda in front of him before resting his back.

"Say, why do you do freelance up until now? If you were to get tied up to a company, you can easily get double or even triple of that amount"

He pointed to the envelope.

"But as you say, I would get tied up. And that's boring"

"You and your perception of boring"

She held out a bit of her tongue at him, mocking.

"At least I get to choose whatever project I want to work on"

"Arrogant brat"

She laughed.


"Please, Hyunah, please? For me?"

Krystal stared at her with her puppy eyes look, hoping to persuade the other girl, her housemate to agree. While the said girl was editing her latest batch of photos.

"Why me? Your sister's free. And you're missing the most important point here, I'm not a model"

"Sica will be in Hong Kong that day, O already asked her. You're pretty too, it was just your stubbornness that you're not a model. Oh, come on now"

She was already clinging to the girl like a koala. Hyunah finally turned around, all serious face at her.

"Even if I agree to this, the ones who will be paying you maybe don't. Don't get me into trouble, Krys"

"I showed them your picture, they would love to work with you. Help me out please, hyunnie? Kai doesn't always get day offs"

Hyunah massaged her not hurting temple, sighing.

"Fine, I'll do it"

Krystal was already in the state of euphoria, staring at her all sparkling eyes, as if she just proposed to her.

"You're not going to kiss me right?"

She pouted.

"I won't even hug you"

And she did anyway.

"Might as well kiss you when I'm at it"

And she pecked her lips, so quickly Hyunah can't barely register her actions, and pulled away to skip into her room.

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