Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Fox lunged. Chat spun around and dropped to one knee as Nathanael's hand sailed over his head. Marinette moaned in Adrien's arms, her head rolling around dangerously. He needed to find a place to set her down while he fought. Fast.

Chat stood up and kicked the back of Nathan's legs. The cursed Charm crumpled, giving Chat just enough time to run over to the wall and set Marinette down. She didn't respond this time, her body not reacting. Biting his lip, Chat pulled out his broken baton then placed a hand on the knife that was still in her back. He had been afraid to take it out, but now he had no choice. He needed a weapon and it needed to be out of her back. With a grunt, he yanked it out as carefully as he could. Marinette sucked in a breath but didn't wake, even though her blood was starting to pool on the floor. Chat spun to face Fox.

His opponent had gotten to his feet, glaring and sneering at Chat.

"Nathanael, listen to me," Adrien begged, his arms outstretched. "Ladybug is hurt. If we don't get her out of here, she'll die."

"Why should I help her?" Fox questioned, but his voice wasn't his. It sounded like someone was trying to mimic his voice, but it wasn't quite right like they had an accent of some sort. "She ditched me a long time ago. It's not like I would have told her. She hurt me, you hurt me! So I'm going to hurt you in return!"

"Fox, please!" Chat pleaded, but his partner lunged at him. Adrien ducked just in time to miss Nathan's swinging fist. On instinct, Adrien kicked him, sending the Fox charm sprawling back. Hissing, Fox let out a fearsome cry. He glared at Chat, his eyes flickering with rage before gripping his pin. Adrien was confused at first, but it didn't take long for him to figure out what his enemy was doing.

"Mordetis!" Fox shouted.

As Nathan finished yelling, he opened his mouth. Chat watched in horror as sharp fangs grew where each of his incisors were, appearing to be as sharp as knives. Hunching over, Fox bared his new teeth and stalked forward. Adrien's legs began to shake. He wasn't sure fighting a boy with fangs for teeth was the smartest option.

Even though it scared him half to death, Chat planted his feet and tightened his grip on the knife. For Ladybug.

Nathan came running forward, then kicked his leg up. Chat blocked it with his baton. Another punch came flying toward his face. Chat ducked. Back and forth the two went. Fox would swung a fist, Adrien would attempt to block it. He was successful most of the time, but every once and awhile, the akumitized dog would smack him good.

Swing. Dodge. Swipe. Duck. Punch. Block.

Nathanael growled angrily, then sideswiped Chat's hand that held the knife. The blood-stained knife skidded away.

In victory, Nathan cried out as he raised both arms, "Die, stupid cat!"

Alarmed, Chat raised his baton and willed to open. It wasn't happy with the request, but it opened just enough to grip with both hands. Nathan's fists came down like wrecking balls. They slammed into his staff. The metal groaned in Adrien's gloved hands, warning him that it couldn't sustain much more pressure.

Fox's sneering face was mere inches away from Chat's terrified one.

"I'm going to take you down once and for all," Nathan gloated, his purple eyes glinting evilly and his tongue licking his sharp teeth. "Just like every other Charm I've faced that stood between Marinette and me."

"Nathanael," Adrien obtested, "please stop this. You're my friend! I want to free you from this! Let's get out of his arena and never return. Listen to me!"

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