“Mom! What are you doing?” Caleb’s voice cut through the air and finally his mother pulled away from me to look at her son. I let out a long breath.

“Look! Ashley is here to meet you.” She pointed at me.

His eyes fell on me and a look of surprise passed over his face. I waved my hand at him and he hesitantly repeated my action.

“And she is all dressed up. Doesn’t she look beautiful?” Mrs. Long continued. I looked down at my attire when she said that and then back at Caleb.

His eyes studied my physique for a moment and I turned to side to obstruct his view. I didn’t know why I did that. I felt kind of embarrassed under his gaze.

“Yes, she does.” He agreed with his mother.

“Are you going somewhere Ashley?” Mrs. Long inquired.

“Yes, I am. And I’m taking Caleb with me.” I told her. Her eyes lit up at that.


I nodded.

“Caleb! Why are you standing there dressed like a troll? Change your clothes and wear something presentable. Ashley looks beautiful. You should look beautiful too.” She scolded her son.

“I’m not going to look beautiful mom. I’m going to look handsome. There’s a difference” He groaned and then looked at me curiously.

“Don’t teach me English and change.” His mother ordered. His eyes were still on me. I gestured with my hands asking him to go and change. He was skeptical but nodded anyways and disappeared into his room.

“Come Ashley. I haven’t talked to you in a long time.” Mrs. Long led me to the living room.

*** ***

“Caleb has not seen that movie in last few days.” Mrs. Long told me about Caleb and listened to her.

“What are you talking about?” Caleb entered wearing blue jeans and shirt with red leather jacket thrown over it. His hair were combed and it was apparent he had taken a shower. He looked good. Really good.

He raised an eyebrow at me and I scowled at him. As Mrs. Long praised the looks of her son, I checked the time in my phone. Only ten minutes were remaining. The ride would take about fifteen minutes. While Logan’s day-before-birthday-party was at Hailey’s place, today’s party was at Logan’s house. It was a little far from mine. I’ve only ever gone there twice. I remember the route.

“You look good Caleb.” I complimented once his mother finished and caught his arm. “Let’s go now.” I tugged at his arm.

“Bring him back before eleven or twelve. Or don’t return. He can stay at your house.” Mrs. Long said as I headed towards the front door with Caleb following me behind.

“Sure Mrs. Long.” I yelled back.

“Where are we going?” Caleb asked as I dragged him towards my car. I didn’t answer him and unlocked the car.

“Tell me now or I won’t go.” Caleb crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

“At Logan’s place.” I answered flatly.

His eyes widened and he readied himself to leave but I caught his arm before that.

“What?! No! I’m not going.” He protested.

“You are going. I’m going to take you there or Hailey will cut me into little pieces.” I told him dragging him towards the car. I even opened the door for him but he refused to move. He took a weird posture with his hands on the backseat and butt sticking out in the air.

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