Chapter 10

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Phil's POV
It was the end of school and Dan was nowhere to be found. Normally he would be outside by the forest, but no, wasn't there. I decided to ask one of his friends, Pj, but he didn't know. Instead he gave my Dan's adress. I thanked him and started walking towards his apartment. God, I hope nothing bad happened. The apartment building was old and beaten up, obviously never taken care of. I went up to the 4th floor and knocked on the door. It opened upon contact and I hesited. Should I go in? Fuck it. I walked in and was meet with a smell that was a mix of cigarette smoke and alcohol. "Dan?" I yelled out, reciving no answer. I walked up the stairs cautiously. "Dan?" I yelled out once more. I looked down at the carpet and noticed blood stains from the bathroom leading to a bedroom. My stomach churned. No, it can't be. I opened the door with a shaky hand. It opened and I walked in. There, in the closet was a hanged Dan. I was paralyzed with fear. His eyes were completely white as if there was no soul at all. I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. Why had he done this? Its all my fault. I grabbed my phone and dialed 999. I couldn't hear anything as police entered the room. As they were hauling away me. As I was screaming in protest. I was sitting in a hospital waiting room. My phone was blowing up with messages from Kate. She was the reason he was here. One of the docters arrived with a sheet of paper and handed it to me. He left without saying a word and I opened the paper.
Dear Phil,
I don't even know what to say. I will just start off saying I love you. I've always loved you. You're the reason i've dealed with pain for so long. I could have ended it when you left, or when my parents kicked me out for being gay. But I stuck through it all, for you. I created a barrier around myself and you broke through it. You brought back the memories. The best years of my life were with you. My whole life revoled around you. Seeing you hurt or with someone else who would hurt you, made me... I don't even know the word. But I guess what im trying to tell you is I love everything you do when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do.
Love Dan
I immeditly started crying. He loved me and I was too stupid to relize it. I love him and it's too late to tell him that.

Dan's POV
Darkness. That's all I saw, darkness. It was a blanket of warm comfort around me but suddenly it was sufficating me. I couldn't breath and was miserble until it stopped. Suddenly the black was replaced with white. Was I in heaven? No just a hospital. Who had saved me? I didn't want to be saved. Suddenly a nurse arrived at my side. "He's awake!" She yelled out and then ran out. Just then a doctor arrived too. "Thank god you're awake. You should thank that young man who found you before it was too late." Oh god please don't be P-. Just then Phil emerged from the door. His face was bright red and stained with tears. He began crying and I started crying too. He ran up and hugged me,"Im s-so s-sorry D-dan." He choked out. "I was stupid and I love you too." I couldn't speak. I thought he hated me. "I thought you hated me" I said at almost a whisper. "Of course not." He said pulling away from the hug, "you think after all this I would hate you." He is right. He put a finger under my chin to make me look up at him. "I love you and that will never change." He closed the gap between us. The kiss brought back so many good memories. It was just as I remembered it. He pulled away giggling and I was too. "You know there's so much that I can argue about with you but I won't" I said "because I love you." "And I love you too."

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