"Awww Levi lost, when's the teacher gonna help him out of there?"

"Should be anytime now, hey have you been in a fight yet Brock?"

"Nope nope nobody wants to fight me heheh." He starts to stroke the back of his neck again, it must be a nervous habit because he has done it twice today.



"I dunno,I thought you'd come up with something to talk about bro."

"Okee, hmmm let's talk about, I am lost... ooh ooh I know do you like any books?"

"Not really to be honest, I don't read too much."

"Awwww why, books are amazing?!"

"Well because- I dunno I just haven't found any books that I like reading."

"You're weird."

"Yeah but at least i don't have paint on my face and chest bro."


"What? It's true."

"Yeah but you're being a meanie."

"Psh you're being mean."

"Am not."

"Are so." I try my best to restrain the smile coming onto my face but end up covering my mouth which only makes it more obvious.


"Yo- eh whatever."


"Did you...enjoy that?"

"No I ummmm- awww man, maybe."

"And you called me weird." he punches me in the arm, not enough to hurt but still he punched me.

"Yeah because you don't like books, that is weird, you have to like at least one."

"Yeah well...ok I just said that I haven't found one that I like yet."

"That's still weird."

"Oh yeah because textbooks are so much fun to read."

"Hmmf stuff you." I immediately start laughing but Brock doesn't seem to understand why, he just looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Bro the innuendo, you have gotta laugh."

"But what was the innuendo?"

"Oh my god seriously? Stuff you come on bro that's hilarious."

"I umm don't get it."

"It's a reference to sex...come on please tell me you got it now."

"I guess I did heheh." He starts to stroke the back of his neck again, it really is a nervous habit. Levi finally wakes up still trapped by the tendrils of water, Lynx releases him and they both leave. Levi makes his way over to us and takes a seat next to Brock making sure there is a slight gap between them. Does Levi have a problem with Brock?

"Hehe you're a little wet." Now it's Levi's turn to start laughing, I quickly follow, I mean he's not wrong but I swear he said that on purpose.

"Oh my god bro."

"What what did I say?"

"Seriously dude?" Levi chimes in still laughing as he speaks.

"Bro you said that on purpose admit it."

"Said what?"

"Oh my god wet, you so said that on purpose."

"Is it another sex thing?"

"Of course it is. You seriously don't get it?"

"Nope nope. It's a little childish."

"Childish? You're the one that called me a meanie."

"Yeah but you are a meanie."

"Seriously I ship you too so hard."

"Shut up Levi." We say in unison again, fuck him I don't even like Brock that way.

"You're both blushing."

"Are not." Fuck we said that in unison too. "Stop copying me."

"Hmmf." Brock turns away from me and slides closer to Levi, whose facial expression switches for not even a second, but I still caught it. Does he have a problem with Brock? It seriously looks like it.

"Hey Levi can I talk to you for a second in private?" I move a few seats away and Levi follows, we should be out of earshot.

"What's up dude?"

"Do you-do you have a problem with Brock?"

"No why?"

"It's just I noticed you looked a little uncomfortable when he moved closer to you."

"It's fine dude, just forget it."

"Seriously bro, if something's wrong you know you can tell me, right?"

"Of course I do, seriously it's nothing to worry about, just forget about it."

"Ok, just, if anything happens or something tell me ok?"



The school day after P.E is quite uneventful save for the announcement of the science test, which I desperately need to study for, Levi will have to as well which means I won't be able to have that extra time I might have needed on the laptop, but oh well, I'll just have to study a little at night too. So that's maths and science I need to study for. Brock will have to study way more than any of us, considering he wasn't here when we started trigonometry or the science topic, whatever that was. Ok I need to remember that so I can actually study for the test.

The mattress on my bed is relatively uncomfortable, at least three springs stick into my back at one time meaning I don't sleep much. But it's always nice to lay here on my bed anyway, thinking to myself about- stuff. Levi is laid on his bed too but unlike me he is sleeping, his sound snoring only just managing to break the silence surrounding the room. The room is pitch black almost, not that there is much to look at anyway, other than a couple anime posters just above my bed and a sports poster above Levi's, he is planning on getting another apparently but he'll have to do some chores around the orphanage to earn some money before he can. It's a simple system really, do some chores get paid a little, I guess it taught us about what it's like to have a job, chores normally consisted of cleaning dishes or washing the other students dirty clothes, which was disgusting considering they always, and I mean always smell like crap, especially the boys clothes and don't even get me started on washing underwear, it's just cringe worthy. But washing clothes earned you more money than washing dishes did, with good reason too considering it took a hell of a lot longer because there is so many students at Ice flower.

"Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars..." The voice is faint but someone is clearly singing, it sounds amazing too, it's hard to describe it exactly, it's just, well beautiful. I start to stand and make my way out of our room and into the corridor following the voice, it's two doors down, the voice is certainly male. I sit beside the door just listening as whoever it is keeps singing slowly lulling me into a calm sleep, it's like a lullaby, slow but, what's a word to describe it? It sounds like a sweet melody I guess. The world just goes black after this though I can still hear the singing.

  The world just goes black after this though I can still hear the singing

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Levi character aesthetic^^^

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