Chapter 01

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Lilac's POV

"We're finally here!!!!"

I look over to my dad with a fake big smile. "Yeah dad! It's great." The new house was really pretty but I am not looking forward to having to go to a new highschool where there are other people I don't know.

I looked behind my car seat to see my twin brother sleeping

"DUDE! Wake up!"

I laugh as his head hits the window.

"Hahah! Hysterical!"

"Shut up." He rolls his eyes and stretches.  He took notice of the house and stared in awe. "Wow it's really nice. A step up from our old wretched up apartment living with and evil women."

My dad stared at him blankly. "We don't refer to her as such things, son."

"She's a horrible person, dad!" He crosses his arms and rolled his eyes.

I stayed silent and fiddled with my hands.

"Still. Just forget about it and move on. We have a new house to move into."

I don't think I can move on from that.

I got out the car and took out three boxes. I placed them on the porch. "Wow it's actually really pretty."

"You didn't expect me to get a trashed house, right?"

I giggled. "No dad! Not at all"

"The school is just down the road. So you can walk if you want."

"Perfect. But I can't wait till I can drive." I'm 17 so I am so close to being able to drive. My test should be really soon!!

My dad and brother entered the house with large boxes. I stared at the houses beside ours.

They all looked like ours. I headed inside.

"Isn't this house beautiful!" My dad pleaded. He had a proud face on and smiled big. I loved seeing my dad this happy.

"Yes dad! Of course!"

"Yeah! We're out of that evil witches hands."

"Landon." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

He rolled his eyes and headed upstairs to check out the rooms.

My dad chuckled and checked out another room. I think it was the kitchen.

I followed Landon to make sure I can get the good room.

"Are you getting this room?"

"Nah. I'm not a fan of the brightness here."

He left the room and got the next room.

I settled all my stuff on the floor. I sighed and looked around. It really was pretty here. The neighborhood seemed nice. I took a deep breath. Lord knows what will happen when I come to school.

I went to Landon's new room. It was also really nice. Too bad. I know he'll trash it like his last room.

"I'm gonna try not to make such a mess in here."

I laughed. "Yeah! Good luck with that."

"Thank you, LITTLE sister." He chuckled.

"Ugh. You're older than me by two minutes."

"Still older." He had his proud face on.

"Sure. But I'm the smarter one."

I left his room laughing.

"That's not nice." He called from his room.

"Since when was I nice." I shouted back.

"Would you two stop. We just moved in and you two are still shouting at each other!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs.

"Dad, you're shouting at us too though"

"God, Landon you better be quiet." My dad sounded annoyed.


I headed downstairs for my own little tour.

First I went to the kitchen. Then, the living room, dining room, office, hallway closet, basement. Even the attic!

I went outside after for a moment. I almost jumped when I saw a girl around my age with light skin, long brown hair, and blue eyes stood before me with a big smile on her face.

"Hi! I haven't seen you in this town before."

"Well. Um.. I. I.." I stuttered.  Ok. So I know I'm making a fool out of myself. But I can't help it. I'm socially awkward, but of course, Landon came and saved my butt from being embarrassed. Oh gosh he's gonna become cocky about this later.

"Well, we just moved in."

The girl looked at him dreamily.

"Oh that's so cool! We'll be great friends! Oh wait where are my manners. I'm Aria and I live just down the street in that house." She pointed to this lovely light blue house that literally had flowers everywhere.

"I'm Landon and this is my annoying, LITTLE sister, Lilac."

I rolled my eyes. "Only by two minutes."

"That's cute! Fraternal twins!" She gushed.

She seems nice and very... cheery.

I nodded my head and smiled.

"You don't talk much do you, Lilac?"

"Seems so." I said sheepishly.

"You sure do." Landon said to Aria.

I gave him a looked that yelled that was rude/im warning you look.

"Landon! That's rude!" I hissed at him and slapped his arm.

Aria laughed. "It's fine, Lilac. He's right. I really do."

There was an awkward silence.

"Well I better go. Nice meeting you two." And with that she left.

"I like her." Landon said crossing his arms with a proud smile on his face.

"Oh please. Soon you know it, you're just gonna break her heart like the last 20 girls." I rolled my eyes.

"It was actually 17. Don't be so dramatic."

He headed inside. I looked to my side as I heard a door slam shut in the distance.

Oh god. He's good looking. This man went outside, heading to his car. He stopped for about 10 seconds and looked up.

He made eye contact with me and I instantly looked away. My face burned and I felt really awkward.

Soon I heard his car turn on. As he was pulling out, he looked at me straight in the eye. I squirmed and headed inside my new home.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. And if you did, then we out this house." Landon said nervously.

"No. No ghosts. I just.. never mind. When's dinner?"

"When dad's done cooking"

"Okay. Is he?" I asked. It's so annoying just talking to him.

"Yeah like 5 minutes ago."

"Really?! Why didn't you call me?!"

"Because you looked busy drooling over our new neighbors." He laughed.

I crossed my arms and looked at him mad. "Shut up. You're so annoying."


Okay. Phew. I had no idea where I'm going with this story. I'm literally just brainstorming. But thanks to two lovely people (you know who you are) I was able to create characters and all. Thank you!

Hope you enjoy this story!!!


When The Love Fallsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें