5. Apologise

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-Amanda's P.O.V-

It has been 1 day since Justin left, and I haven't heard from him yet..but I'm sure he's just busy, right? I laid on the sofa watching gossip girl. It was pretty much the only thing I've done since he left. My brother sent me text yesterday and told me that he will come back in 2 days, which was.. tomorrow? Maria did also text me alot today asking why I wasn't at school. I told her that I had the flue, but well.. the truth is that I don't feel like going there right now. The only thing I want is a phonecall or even a text from Justin. I can not stop thinking about him and it makes me frustruated because I've only met him twice!

My eyes are burning. I've been watching TV for like 5 hours now! Well, maybe I should watch the news and get a update? "In 10 seconds we are going to update you on the BelieveTour, but first the weather report!" Did she just say BelieveTour???? Come on stupid reporter, hurry up!!   "And now over to the BelieveTour!" Finaaallllyyy!   "Yes. As you might know, Justin Bieber is just finished with his 3-days Tour in Norway and is now preforming in Denmark! Not just beeing busy with his Tour, people are starting to wonder if he got a new girl, or maybe his ex, Selena gomez back? Yesterday, little JB was spotted outside of a girls house in Norway! Later that night Tone Damli tweeted that she was on a plane with Selena Gomez on her way to Denmark! Looks like you have a hard choiche in front of you Justin.."   I know he have a busy shcedule and that I'm not supposed to believe all those rumors, but maybe that's exactly what's going on. Maybe Justin didn't know how to tell me that he was going to meet Selena, because he was(or is..) scared of how I will react? Maybe the best would have been if we didn't meet..? I wasn't good enough. 

-Justin's P.O.V-

"JUSTIN OVER HERE" "WHERE ARE YOU GIRLFRIEND?" "WHO IS THIS GIRL?" "YOU KNOW SEL IS HERE RIGHT NOW!"  I'm covering my face with y hands, while the paps is shouting. Will they ever stop? Probably not. I open the door to the car and get in. "Drive" I said to the driver. I am sad, unhappy, exhausted and sick of this. I'm sick of beeing followed everywhere I go, I'm sick of Scooter who thinks he can tell me to do whatever he wants to, whenever he wants to and basically control my entire life. I don't get privacy at all. Right after we landed in Denmark he descided that I'm not allowed to talk to Amanda during the Tour because "You need to focus. She's an bad influence Justin, she's distracting you!"  The "Amanda thing" made me, and made me, extremely angry. When Scooter brought Amanda into this, I got enough. I told him something like "WHY the hell are you brining Amanda into this? For the first she isn't a bad influence on me, how can you say that? I thought that you would be happy, if I was happy. But I guess I was wrong. Amanda is a fantastic person, but she is sick and she need help. And you know what, I'm going to help her no matter what you say!" and after that we haven't talked. 

I know it's just been a day since I saw Amanda, but she is the only thing I can think of. I know I promised to call her, but what am I supposed to do? When I get out of this car the first thing I will do is getting my phone back. He has no rights to take my phone.."How long is it until we hit the airport, Sir?"  "30 minutes left. Is i anything you want, Bieber?" Hmm... I wanted Amanda. "Yeah.. actually it is! Do you have a phone I can borrow?" He gives me a old Nokia something, but it's better than nothing. I opened messages and typed a text to Amanda. 

To: Amanda

-i'm sorry i haven't been calling u..i'll explain it to you when i land in sweden. btw.. dont reply to this number, it's not my phone. 

xoxo Justin

I delete the text and give it back to the driver. "Thanks" I said to him. After this I think I fell asleep, because the next thing I remember was waking up totally mindfucked outside of the airplane. I open the door and take a big step out, letting my loungs fill it self with fresh air. Bye Denmark, hello Sweden!

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