4. Tell me what's wrong

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-Amanda's P.O.V-

I woke up the next morning and before I could move my feets out from bed, I already knew that school wasn't a choice today. I checked my phone. No new messages or calls. I walked to my closet and found the biggest jumper I own and walked downstairs. The house was completly empty, and the only noises in the house came from my dog. Maybe I should tell you about my family.. I live with my overprotective brother who's 19, Sissi the dog, my mom and dad. My parents travel a lot with their jobs, so we are often alone and today wasn't an exception. 

I spent the next hours on the sofa watching series with my dog, wondering if Justin will ever call me again. I had no clue what I was supposed to believe. Maybe I should text Maria, she is probably wondering why I'm not at school. 

To: Maria

-Not feeling so good today..:/ Have fun at school honey!

She wasn't tardy to answer.

From: Maria

-get better soon! btw you have a lot to tell me later.

I had no energy left to answer her. She didn't know about my eating problems..Or I don't have an eating problem, the case is that I have to. It's a shame to be like this. Nobody wants to be friend with fat persons. Maybe if I was skinny my parents would be more home? I needed fresh air to clean my taughts, so for the next two hours I walked a long trip with Sissi.  

At 3PM I lost all my hope about seeing Justin again. What was I thinking? Why should he like to be friend with a fatty when he could date the VS models? It made sense now.. He used me in front of the media so the others will think that he don't care about the apperance. I could feel the tears streaming down again. I used my energy walking to my bathroom...

-Justin's P.O.V-

"Scooter!" I shouted "You said it was okey yesterday, and I promised Amanda to call her! Now, give me my phone back. I refuse to do that f***** photoshoot today!" I screamed in frustration. He can not force me to do anything. I know he wanted me in the spotlight , but I've seriously had enough of the paps out there, the photoshoots and interviews for a while. Scooter gave me a shocked glance and gave me my phone. "Kenny, common let's go!" I said while I walked out of the door and down to the garage. I felt so bad for Amanda right now.. I wanted to surprise her, so I didn't send her a text. "Yo JB, how do you know that she is home? Isn't she supposed to be at school right now?" Kenny asked when we drove. He had a good point there, but Amanda didn't say anything about the school.. maybe she has holiday?

After a ten minutes ride we were there. I walked to the door, wondering if I should just walk inside or knock on the door. I decided to knock on the door in case her parents were home, but no one answerd, but the door was open. I slowly walked in and took my shoes off. Wow, she has a beautiful home! I was about to let out a loud howl when a dog stood right in front of me, but instead of I petted it. "Amanda" I said to the dog, wondering if he or her was smart enough to know what I ment. The dog started to walk up the stairs and I followed him or her. He or she led my into a girly room which was probably Amanda's. I must say she have a good taste. Suddenly I heard someone crying and I begged that it wasn't Amanda. The noise of someone crying led my to a bathroom. I opened the door slowly, crossing my fingers that Amanda was fine. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I screamed, casing Amanda to scream to. "JUSTIN, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!? GET OUT!" I ignored what she just said and ran to her, took the razorblade away from her and carried her to her bedroom. I placed her on the bed.

"Amanda, please.. tell me.. what's wrong?" Tears started to form in my eyes to.

"Justin you don't understand.. Why don't you go to the VS models? I'm not worth it. I don't even know why you are here!" She cried. Oh no, is that what she think? that she isn't good enough?

On the insideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora