Chapter Twenty Nine: If I'm Gonna Die, I Might As Well Die In The Devil's Anus

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Thor and McKenzie grinned when they saw the Quinjet in the junkyard. "Bingo." Together they sprinted for the familiar ship, dropping through the roof hatch into the main deck. "All right. Come on." They tried some of the controls and the lights turned on. Thor placed his hand on a handprint scanner.

"Voice verification required."


"Access denied."

He narrowed his eyes. "Thor, son of Odin."

"Access denied."

"God of Thunder."

"Access denied."

"Strongest Avenger."

"Access denied."

"Strongest Avenger!"

"Access denied."

Thor sighed, rolling his eyes. "Damn you, Stark. Point Break."

"Welcome, Point Break."

McKenzie grinned. "Believe me, he hasn't changed." She let the retinal scanner scan her blue eye.

"Welcome, MK."

She turned to Thor, raising her eyebrows. "It recognises me!"

Before he could say anything, the entrance started to buckle as the Hulk forced his way in, breaking the hull of the ship. "Friends stay!"

"No, no, no!" Thor tried.


"Oh, this is in many ways not ideal," McKenzie complained, searching the controls for the one she wanted.

"Don't go!"

"Aha!" McKenzie stretched to flick a switch, triggering the recorded video message Natasha left for the Hulk several years ago.

"Nice work, big guy. We don't know where Ultron's headed, but you're going very high, very fast." The Hulk's eyes widened, meeting Natasha's calm gaze. "So I need you to turn this bird around, okay? We can't track you in stealth mode, so I need you to help me out, okay? I need you to..."

"No!" the Hulk cried. "No, Banner!" He convulsed, dropping to his knees and scrambling away from Thor and McKenzie. He roared and cursed, but there was nothing to do to stop it as he shrank back into a very exhausted, mostly naked Bruce Banner.

McKenzie darted to his side. "Bruce. Shh, shh, shh, it's okay. You all right? Sun's getting real low. That's it, breathe."

Bruce frowned at her. "Who the hell are you?"

She blinked, then winced. "Right, new face. It's me, Bruce. Di Angelo."

His eyes widened. "Angel?"

She shrugged. "Surprise!"

"Hey, Banner," Thor said, waving over her shoulder at him.

Bruce's brow furrowed. "Thor...? What happened to your hair?"

"Some creepy old man cut it off," Thor replied.

"Same here," McKenzie added. "I think it works though."

"It looks good," Bruce agreed.

Thor smiled. "Thanks."

"Where are we?" Bruce wondered. "How's Nat?"

"Nat's good, probably," McKenzie said, biting her lip. "She got back with Clint, so they're happy."

"And what about Sokovia?"

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