Chapter 7: Why?

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"Why must you do this to me?" I muttered under my breath, crumbling yet another paper and tossing it behind me. I was not going to cede to the Batman's ploys against me. It just wasn't going to happen. 

Riddle me this: With pointed fangs it sits in wait, with piercing force its doles out fate, over bloodless victims proclaiming its might, eternally joining in a single bite. What am I?

I grabbed my stapler and began furiously stapling papers together, trying to organize my thoughts as well as my desk. I'd gained the trust of most villains, which was perfect according to my plan. I'd need their brawn to weaken the bat. 

Riddle me this: I am two-faced but bear only one, I have no legs but travel widely. Men spill much blood over me, kings leave there imprint on me. I have greatest power when given away, yet lust for me keeps me locked away. What am I?

Harvey Dent was one of these useful villains that I chose to work with. Sure, he was a bit unstable, but that other side of his face was quite productive when it came to injuring the Batman. He was pretty easy to persuade. All he wanted was money, and money I had plenty of. I didn't need money. No, I was much smarter than that. I needed acceptance. I needed proof that I was better than the Batman. I needed him to admit it. A few simple words is all it would take and I'd leave him alone. I am right. 

Harvey's outbursts were forgivable to an extent. He'd often get angry and start shooting aimlessly, but other than that he was pleasant to be around. A single mention of the word money and he began to oeillade at the offer. 

But still! I couldn't believe that after all that I had done, the Batman still had the audacity to not believe me. I'd done everything I could. I took innocent lives --something I don't like doing unless I have to. I put my own life in danger. I created elaborate challenges that can only be solved by retched cheating. How I loathed cheating, and the Batman did it often. 

Riddle me this: You heard me before, yet you hear me again. Then I die, ‘Til you call me again. What am I?

Echo --as well as Query-- left me in my time of need. They claimed to have better things to do than waste their time working for me. They wanted to commit crimes the way they pleased. I am not a criminal. I do not commit crimes. I simply do what I must to prove my point. If it means going against the law, it means going against the law. However, I am not, nor will I ever be, on that low of a level to be considered a criminal. The closest I will accept would be a criminal mastermind, but nothing less.

By this time, I was getting snarky with the Batman. I didn't want to waste anymore time contemplating my next move.

I let Luna slip into my mind and I instantly regretted it. I did what I was supposed to. I kept my side of the deal. I was finished with her. Or was I? Did she have more potential than I thought? Impossible! That would imply that I was wrong about her, and I am never wrong.  

Still, how was Jonathan treating her. The poor girl must be going through agony...not that I particularly cared, but I did have a heart. 

"Eddums," a shrill voice said. I jumped out of my chair, my hand on my chest as if to keep my heart from escaping. 

"Harley!" I panted. "How on Earth did you get in here?"

"You left the door open," she shrugged. "What're you doin'?"

"I'm debating on going get Luna back from Jonathan," I mumbled. I didn't realize that Harley was unaware of Luna until after I finished my sentence. 

"Luna? A girl? Eddums do you have a girlfriend?" she squealed. 

"No, I do not. And for the love of God please stop calling me that," I groaned. I began massaging my temples.

"So, who's this girl?" She sat down in my chair, much to my distain.

"She's just helping me with a few tasks, that's all. I was supposed to keep her for longer, but I accidentally gave her up to Crane," I explained.

"Do ya want her back?" Her eyes lit up.

"No, Harley. I do not need your help," I said. She pouted. "Now please get out of here before Joker wonders where you are. I don't need him coming in here."

"Fine," she huffed. And with that, she left.  Oh, how I regretted mentioning Luna. 

Speaking of which, it was time I went and reclaimed what was rightfully mine. 

* * *

I was relieved to find that Jonathan was not in the shed when I arrived. There were many approaches that I could take in 'rescuing' her --if you would even call it that. The approach I took first was knocking on the door.

It took a minute, but the door opened.

"Crane, I thought you..."she looked up at me. "Edward?"

"You seem awfully friendly with Jonathan, now don't you."

"Not really," she shuddered. "He just seems a lot nicer at the moment."

"Did he use any fear toxin on you?" I wondered.

"Not yet," she looked at her feet.

"Then why do you look so scared?" 

"I'm in a shed with a madman whose only intention is to scare me out of my wits. Wouldn't you be scared?" she hissed.

"Not really. If you were smart enough, you'd know how to escape this situation." I scoffed. "But that's where I come in."

"That's why you're here, isn't it?" she began to smirk. "You're here to take me from Jonathan. You missed me, didn't you."

"Not at all. I just realized I still need the help. And perhaps I felt a little bad about just sending you off with Jonathan," I admitted. She put her hands on her hips.

"Really?" she said, raising an eyebrow. 

"You can think that I missed you all you want, but that's simply not the case. I won't have you romanticizing the idea of staying with someone like me. It's insulting," I said.

She stayed quiet for a while. "I can always stay here, then."

"You're not going to."

"I'm not leaving you here where Jon will ruin whatever little use your mind has to me. I know you adore me, but this is strictly business." I sighed.

"I do not adore you, Edward. Far from it."

"Oh, you'll come around. It happens to everyone," I beamed.

"Doubt it," she mumbled. I frowned at her. 

"Now, come with me. You've got challenges to solve. And when you fail, like I expect you to, it will prove that you were of no real use to me."

"You really know how to make a girl feel special," Luna rolled her eyes.

"Why, thank you."

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