Chapter 6

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"I'm so sorry Cameron, but I should probably get home."

"No you're fine Cassie, I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, you will." I smile and walk to my car as Cameron follows behind.

"We'll have to do this again sometime, yes?" He asks and takes my hands in his.

"Of course." I smile at him and he leans down to kiss my cheek.

"Have a safe drive home!" He calls and I close the door to my car, waving at him.

I don't really know what to think. Cameron is incredibly sweet, and his family is as well, but Cameron? I mean really? Dallas? It's so crazy to me that Cameron Dallas talks to me. And possibly likes me.

Cameron's POV

"What a gorgeous girl, huh Cam?" My mom says as I walk back in the door.

"Yeah, she's really pretty." I blush and walk to the pantry to get some food.

"You should have her over more often. She's much better than some of the other girls you've brought home in the past few years." My mom laughs and I glare at her.

"Hey, I may not have made the best decisions in the past, but I have a feeling this ones right." I grab a box of Cheerios and pour them into a bowl.

"Well, you have your dad and I's full approval on her. She's a sweet girl, she's welcome over anytime." My mom grabs a magazine and walks out of the kitchen.

She is more beautiful than I ever remembered. Sure, freshman year she was stunning, but it's freshman year. And it sucks for everyone. Sophomore and junior year was like a slap in the face... she was flawless. Absolutely gorgeous and I don't know why I never talked to her. I know deep down I'm still a huge coward... God damn it. Why did I never man up and ask her to talk to me? Or hang out? Now it's senior year and our time together is limited. If only I hadn't been a baby and talked to her way earlier... we could be in a relationship right now. A happy couple.

I walk into my room and lay down. I instantly fall asleep.

Cassie's POV

I'm exhausted from my first day back to school and from hanging out with Cameron.

You know, it's funny, he's not at all what I assumed he would be like.

"Hey sweetheart!" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Hi mom," I sigh and walk into the kitchen to speak to her.

"How was it?" She asks.

"It was fun, we hung out and stuff." I gaze outside only to see my dog walking around my pool. "Mom, what's Emma doing by the pool?" I walk over to the window to watch her closely. "MOM! EMMA JUST FELL IN THE POOL!" I scramble out the door and run down the stairs of my deck. I dive into the water to rescue my dog.

I'm under the water for what feels like so long. I open my eyes to search for the dog when I see her by the deep end near the waterfall. I scoop her up in my hands and finally reach the air.

"Cassandra! Honey! Come over here! It's freezing cold outside!" My mom yells at me and all I can do is shake with a cold lump of fur in my hands.

I drag myself and my dog out of the pool and over to my mom. I wrap myself up in a towel and my mom grabs my dog and wraps her up in one.

I begin to walk inside when my vision becomes blurry. I walk up the stairs while falling all over the place and my mom is too busy tending to my dog to notice me. I can't walk anymore once I reach the top of the stairs and I fall.


I wake up and look around. I'm not in my room or even my house... I'm in a car.

"What... what happened?" I try to open my eyes wide and sit up but I can't.

"She's waking up!" Someone yells.

"Get her some more oxygen!" Another person yells.

"We're almost to the hospital, Cassandra. Don't worry." I hear a calming voice tell me and I go back and forth between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"It's okay don't worry... don't worry." The calming voice says again.

"We're losing her!" A voice screams.

I can't see anything and I begin to fall asleep once more.

(THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! It means so so so much to me. I love you all so much it's unbelievable. Hopefully we can get some more!! Who do you guys picture as Cassie? I would love to hear some feedback from y'all. I hope you've all had a really good winter break/Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year/Holiday!)

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