An Endless Year (A Cameron Dallas Fanfiction)

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Cameron was the new kid in school.

He was a nerd. He wore stupid glasses with suspenders and his pants were always pulled up high. He had the most annoying voice in the whole world, half the time he spoke I just wanted to punch him in the face. He was really sweet though, even with his looks as bad as they were. Honestly everyone hates him.

That was back in freshman year.

Now we're seniors.

Cameron is the most popular guy in school. Surprising, right? He's got so many friends, everyone loves him.

Except me.

I know he's hiding something through that smile, I know he's hiding some kind of secret and I have to find out what it is. I know a person can't change that fast.


"Cassandra Rivers?" My new teacher called out.

"Here, and I go by Cassie." I responded quietly. I'm not one who likes to be noticed very often.

It's first semester of senior year, the last semester that will really count for any of us. I only want to get into a good college, maybe NYU or UGA. Some good school. I don't really care about my grades much, my GPA is really good from my past 3 years and this semester won't change much.

I sit alone in most of my classes, and this class is no exception. I always choose the desk in the far right corner, in the back. I hate talking and I hate people.

With my new schedule, I had physics first. AP Physics. Very fun, I know.

Of course Cameron was in my class. This kid who was so annoying, so nerdy- was a hot, popular senior. I guess everything changes with time.

And he decides to take the seat across from me. Why. Why. Why on earth did he choose the seat right next to me.

(( Hey guys- I'm not sure how this fanfic will go, hopefully very well :) I'm planning a lot for this story! If you don't know who Cameron Dallas is, he's popular on an app called Vine. You should look him up, he's so attractive and hilarious! Alright well enjoy the story! Can't wait to see how it turns out!! :) <3 ))

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