Chapter 2

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My old teacher continues to call roll as Cameron sits at his desk, staring at the ground.

Why is he staring at the ground? Shouldn't he be talking to all his millions of friends? God he annoys me.

"Cameron Dallas?" My teacher calls.

"Here." he quietly responds and slumps back in his desk. This doesn't seem like the loud, outgoing Cameron I know.

I notice his eyes looking at my old Vans, which are dirty from an outdoor festival I went to. He glances up my legs to my t-shirt and his eyes meet mine. He gives me a big smile and looks away.

"Okay class, it's only the first day and I know none of you like to do anything the first day, so I'll hand out the syllabus for the year and you can talk with your classmates for the rest of the period. Take out your phones, play games, whatever. I don't care." She walks over to her desk and grabs a stack of papers, which I assume are the syllabi, and passes them out.

"Hi," I hear a voice near me. It's Cameron of course.

"Hello," I respond quietly. I don't want to be talking to this disgusting piece of popular trash right now, though I somewhat do.

"I'm Cameron," he smiles and turns his body towards me. I don't respond, but rather I just look at his equally dirty Vans. He smiles and his eyes look directly into mine, "and you are?" he asks.

"I'm Cassie." I respond, quickly looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact with this attractive guy.

I guess he must have noticed that I wasn't into having a conversation with him, because he turns his body towards the front and pulls out his phone.

I kind of regret not speaking to him. He seems like a genuinely kind guy, when he isn't with his annoying, perverted friends. They always make comments to me in the hallways.

"Here," Cameron says, "Put your number in." He hands me his phone. I'm not really sure what to do. I just spoke to this guy and all I know is his name, why would I give him my number?

Fuck it. I enter in my number and hand it back to him. His hands touch mine and they're so soft.

"Thanks," he says, returning his phone to his pocket. "So Cassie," he says, "why haven't we ever spoken? I mean we had a class in second semester of freshman year and we had classes both semesters last year, but we've never talked."

How could he remember what classes we had together? I can't even remember that. "I don't know, I'm not really one to talk to people or be outgoing." I say and look into his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes.

Cameron stares at me. "What?" I ask.

"Sorry," he chuckles to himself, "You're just really beautiful." He laughs and looks away, blushing. I giggle, "thanks." I blush as well.

Cameron looks back at me and smiles. "Well what are your other classes?" He takes my schedule from me and compares it to his. He looks closely.

"Well we have lunch together and we have Pre-Calculus for seventh period together. You should sit with me and my friends at lunch," He smiles and hands my schedule back.

"Um, you know, that's okay. I have some friends in my lunch class that I made plans to sit with." I lie and try to give a smile.

"You're welcome to come sit with me whenever." He smiles at me. "I look forward to having seventh with you."

"I do too," I respond just as the bell rings.

"I'll see you around," he gives me one last big smile and exits the room and I do too.


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