Chapter 5

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Cameron and I sat back on the couch and turned on his TV. He turned the channel to something like American Scare Book or something, I only glanced at the title and saw it said something scary.

"This is American Horror Story. Do you watch it?" He asked me as his head was still pointed towards the TV.

"Nope. Never even heard of it. Is it good?"

"Oh yeah it's good. And it's on Netflix. Do you have Netflix?"

"Yeah I actually do. I'll look into it." I responded. Maybe this could be like... our show. I don't know I'm weird.

Cameron moved closer to me. "Do you wanna take a walk?" Cameron asked.

"But you just turned on the TV-" I started but then stopped. Why would I chose TV over a walk? A leisurely stroll is a gift. "I would love to take a walk actually."

"Well good!" He answered, standing up off the couch. "May I have this walk?" He said in a funny British accent and held his hand out for me.

"I would love to!" I said in a funny British tone and took his hand. We went upstairs, hand in hand, and walked out the front door. Thank God his parents weren't there. That would've been very embarrassing.

"So Cassie," Cameron said once again, and he started swinging his arm so that mine was swinging as well, "Is it weird to think we just met today?"

"Yes actually it is. But hey, I guess it's fate." I smirked at him and he laughed at me.

"What's your real name?" He asked.

"Cassandra." I smiled.

"Well, Cassandra, I guess it is fate." He smiled at me and laughed.

"What's so funny Cameron?" I looked at him. He faced me and took both my hands.

"I have always wanted to be friends with you. Ever since freshman year. And I really can't believe I'm standing here right now with you. I've always thought you were curious, a beautiful girl who doesn't really talk much. I love that." He looked into my eyes.

"Thank you Cameron, that really means a lot. I can't believe you've always thought that. It's really sweet if you to-" My words and thoughts are stopped as Cameron kisses me. Not like when we were in his basement, for real this time. It was... magical. Cliche, yes, but magical nonetheless.

As Cameron pulled away, he said, "I think we're going to be very close Cassie." He took both my hands and we continued walking.

(I'm so sorry this chapter is short- It's winter break so I've been trying to relax a little :) I hope you all had a nice Christmas (if you celebrate it) and I hope you all enjoy your breaks off from school!! What do you all think of the story so far? I Would love to hear some feedback!! Thank you for all your comments and votes, it means a lot to me. I love this story so far and I hope you love it too!! I'll try to update soon, but it may take a while as I'm so busy watching Netflix and eating pizza. Have a good winter break :) )

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