A New Story

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I've decided to make another Ash X Reader (Since I don't know anything else plus I never want Ash X Reader stories to end!) And I've decided it's main plot and title
Like this story you will have your hair and eyes and also the plot would be different from False Love and Journey Through Kalos
This is a short list of features of the new Pokemon Story: Pokemon Guardian/Triforce (Yes I've stole a part a bit from TLOZ)
- Your appearance
- My OC's 
- You will travel with Ash
- You're not a Pokemon Trainer
- You don't have Eevee!
- There will be no songs for chapter but I will add some music and tunes

And many more

Also I've decided to publish one Pokemon Oneshot book with not only Ash X Reader but also others such as Nate, Hilbert, Red, Fire (Red from Origins), Brock, Tracy, Ritchie, Barry, Diamond, Pearl, Black, White, Gold, Jimmy, Ethan but sorry I cannot do -
- Silver
- Green
- Gary 

But I can add them as Slight romance for eg; Ash X Reader X Slight!Gary etc like these

Also I could do requests including 
- Yandere
- Tsundere

 - Dendere
- Kuudere

- Himedere
- Kamidere
- Oblivious
- Platonic
- Sick

- Dead
- Glitch
- 2 X Readers
- Slight X Reader

I can do a lot more but no Lemons (For now)
But Request would be open everytime! I can also do your OC's for eg; If you/your mind character/ anime character/own character has pink hair and purple eyes and you want that just ask me and I can do so you might feel it's you only I can also do general X Readers
You can request now here also so that I first fulfill your request  
I would love taking your request and if you have your own plot ideas I could also do them!
So start requesting NOW

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