~26~ Wedding Bells

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Dear Mr. Pessimist,

I can't believe it's already the end of summer. I saw you smiling after me in the rear view of my car yesterday, care to explain? I guess I'll be seeing you almost everyday, so this is probably one of the last notes.



p.s don't forget to smile, it makes your whole face light up


"I don't like it. Mom, I look like a doll."

I tugged at the bottom of my bridesmaid dress, glaring at my reflection in the mirror.

My mom had gone a little overboard with my makeup and hair, making me look as if I was a doll that a little girl had gotten a hold of and given a makeover too.

"You look beautiful, sweetie. I just want the wedding to be perfect, with my baby girl and Mike's kids." I smiled at her response, running a hand through my hair.

"Did you invite Jess?" I questioned, not sure what I wanted the answer to be.

I had been texting her, sure. I had even listened to her cry over everything a few times, but I hadn't really seen her since the day we found out. Bennett thought it was because she was ashamed of herself, but that could have been because Tristan was acting that way and that's all Bennett had to go from.

"Yes, of course. She's one of my bridesmaids, Syd. Is something going on with you girls?" She looked concerned, her lips parting. I shook my head, knowing better then to tell my mom that my best friend was pregnant.

"No, Mom. Everything's fine. Now stop worrying about me and get ready!"


It had been two weeks since Bennett had brought me to his soon-to-be bakery. Since then, he had gotten a few people to work for him, doing as much restoration they could before the end of the summer. When I had asked him how much he was paying them, he'd just said that it didn't matter.

Now, as I walked into the church, nearly tripping over the carpet, I could see him sitting in the second pew on the right beside Jessica. She had her eyes set on something that no one else could see, and I could see her hand shaking from where she was trying to keep a forced smile on her face.

"Be careful." Bennett said when he saw me almost trip, "You don't want to trip over air." I slapped his arm playfully when I had reached him, resting one hand on his shoulder and leaning down to fix my heel.

"You smell like roses." He whispered in my ear, pushing a lock of my curled hair behind my ear, "And I sound like I'm incredibly whipped." He added with a laugh.

"I'd say so." Tristan piped up, throwing himself into the pew behind Bennett. I saw both Jess and Bennett himself tense, their eyes slowly drifting toward Tristan.

"You invited him?" Bennett asked before Jess could.

"What happened between them doesn't have anything to do with me." I replied, "Sure I won't trust either of them with a whole lot, not until they're able to earn it back, but I'm not going to just throw them out of my life because of a mistake they made." Bennett shook his head, rubbing his temple as if he was starting to get a headache.

"You're way too good of a person, Syd." He muttered. I stared at him, then at my best friend and Tristan.

"That's because I've been hurt too many times and I'm not going to let people feel as crappy as I did."

Dear Mr. Pessimist {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora