~5~ I'll Beat You With A Biscuit

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"You kept the pictures up?"

That was the first thing out of Zey's mouth when I walked into my room. He was holding a picture of us at his first race, his eyebrows raised.

"Only the ones before you came a conceited ass." I replied, crossing my arms tightly over my chest. He finally lifted his head and met my eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I take it you saw Mommy Dearest and her new friend." I could feel warmth spread through my cheeks at the thought.

"What are you doing here, Zey? How'd you even know I was working at Doughboy?" I asked, taking the subject and pushing it in the right direction. He set the picture frame down beside him and made his way back over to me, taking my hand.

"Jess told me." He whispered, "And we need to talk, Syd. Abous us." I pulled away, taking a step back.

"There is no us, Zey. We ended when you decided that some woman that was almost twice your age was better than me." I tried to keep my voice down, knowing better than to get worked up over him.

My journey in finding the good in everyone started in kindergarten and came to a halt when I met Zey. He was everything that I knew better than to be with. He was dangerous, careless, and wouldn't let me out of his sight for more than a minute when we were dating. But there was the good things about him too, like how funny he was, how gorgeous his eyes were, his laugh.

It was the way he was that turned me into something I wasn't. For the year and a half I was with him, I wasn't me. I wasn't the Sydney that tried to find the good in everyone, I was the Syd that sat and cried for my dad to come back. I was reckless, carefree, I snuck out after my curfew to see Zey and most of the time we didn't really talk all that much.

Then I'd found him with the slut that had most of his friends and crew wrapped around her finger. It was around that time that I fell back into my normal pattern, I became me again. And I vowed not to ever let anyone, or anything, change me so drastically again.

"Babe, come on. You know how bad I feel, don't you? I promise if you give me another chance-"

"What? That you won't do it again? Once your a cheater, Zey, you'll always be one." I growled, pushing his hand away from me.

"Not if you regret doing it in the first place." He snapped, just as pissed off.

"Syd, I love you. I spent almost two years of my life with you just to have it all flushed down the drain because of a shitty mistake I made. But I know you, baby. I know you'll forgive me for being a dumb ass." I wanted to snap, to yell at him. To scream until my mom finally came in and forced him out of the house. But I couldn't bring myself to say a word.

Give him a chance to explain, he might actually have a decent reason.

Bennett's words circled through my head as I stared into my ex boyfriend's desperate eyes.

"An hour," I finally whispered, "you have an hour to tell me why you did it and why you think I should forgive you. Are we clear?" He nodded, a smile stretching across his face again. As he led me back over to my bed, I turned my head up and stared at the ceiling.

Please Bennett, I prayed, don't make me regret listening to you.


I could barely face my mom at dinner. She was talking non-stop, a tell of hers when she was nervous. Thankfully Zey and my mom's boyfriend kept sparking up conversations, especially about what Zey did for a living.

Dear Mr. Pessimist {Completed}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum