Chapter 4

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-Authors note- thank you guys some much for reading my story!!!! Every time I see someone has read the chapters I get so excited and motivated to write more! If you hove any tips on how to improve my writhing style please tell me. I have dyslexia and am trying very hard to not let that stop me from writhing. *please comment and like my story if you have time!!!*

--Harry's pov--

The door swung open five minuets till an hour was up reviling the owner Steve I have come to learn is his name and the shitty beta. Whose name I didn't give a crap learning or remembering, but still my omega was missing.

"The omega is getting dressed and should be on his way out shortly." Steve stated. Even with that information I didn't relax at all instead turned myself to stair at the front door. Ed continued to talk to the owner I only listened and chose not to participate in the conversation. I saw the door slowly creep open and a man in a lab coat stepped out with what i could see behind him to be small bare feet shuffling close behind him. I try to take a whiff of what i thought to possible be my omega, but the only thing to assault my nostrils was bleach and the sent of what seemed to be the beta in the lab coat.

"Ah you must be the owner of one of our brand new omegas." The beta stated walking towards ed as he spoke.

"I am Dr. John smith, I look into all of the health and wellbeing of all the omegas in this establishment." John stated to ed with an outstretched hand. Ed politely shook his hand in greeting. I ignored the small talk that continued on around me in favor of trying to catch the small omegas eyes. He was shuffling closer to the doctor trying to see behind the doctor. The omega from before-my omega refused to raise his head to look at me but I could tell he new i was trying to get his attention. I took a deep breath in through my nose to catch the sweet sent of my omega but instead the strong smell of bleach assaulted my nose. It was so powerful I had to step back and cough to clear my throat of the stench. I saw the omega snap his head towards me I saw fear flash though his brilliant Icy blue eyes. I quickly tried to to soothe the small boys worries.

"Oh uh sorry I'm harry your alpha-uh well hopefully-uh i mean if you- ugh this is awkward." I stuttered over my words as if my moth was to fast for my brain to catch up enough to realize what I was implying. Sadly the small omegas eyes had only widened and he seemed to be growing more panicked by the second.

"Louis?" Ed spoke out of the blue the small boy whipped around to look at Ed who continued. "You are Louis correct that's what the doctors notes says."I saw he was holding a folder that probably contained all of his in formation.

The small boy-Louis finally spoke.

"Yes, I-Im Louis."


Louis pov

"Yes, I-Im Louis"

My voice was scratchy and hard to understand, God I can't even remember the last time i had a drink of water. My throat felt as dry as the Sahara desert which caused me to start a coughing fit. I saw the alpha near me- Harry that's what he said his name was, flinch and try to move towards me. I stiffened I don't really know why i was trying to keep my distance from him, well other than the fact that I don't know him yet so he cant be trusted. There's also the part about him thinking he's gonna be my alpha.....yeah right that's totally gonna happen-not.

"Do you have any water for him?" Harry asked. Wow an alpha who actually cares about my well being im so impressed. Definitely not.

"No there is no water for the guests."the owner seethed at Harry. My eyes narrowed into slits at the owner real asshole he is.

"Its alright Harry we will get him water in a moment" the man who had called my name earlier spoke. "My name is Ed and as you know that's Harry the alpha who so desperately wanted you." I looked back towards Harry i could see his face flush bright red at Ed's words he glanced at me for a brief second and quickly looked away in embarrassment.

"I am your new owner and we will be leaving if you are ready to go?" Ed asked.

"Yes I want to leave."

"Alright then lets go." Ed turned towards a limo like car. That had pulled up on the small road to the black market ring. Harry quickly ran to open the back door for Ed to sit but the man changed directions at the last second and went to the passenger side of the limo to sit next to the driver. I glanced back to see Harry with wide eyes and the look of confusion covering his face. He looked at me offering a nervous smile in my direction holding his arm out to help me in. I walk past his out stretched arm and start to climb into the limo I stop when I hear a horribly fake cough come from the alpha. I roll my eyes and sass at him.

"What now?" I sigh, Harry's face still red as a tomato he replies.

"Your um- uh the hospital gown is open." He stuttered. I feel my face heat up when I felt a breeze blow into the back of the gown suddenly reminding me that I only had white cotton briefs on underneath. I grasp onto the back of the gown knowing that he just got a great view of my ass before. I slip into the far sides of the limo hoping that the alpha will get the hint.

nope he doesn't get it.

"So I um I- think that maybe um-" I could feel the alphas breath in my ear as he cornered me against the opposite door. He was hunched too close to me he almost seemed too tall to sit up straight. His arms moving quickly as he stuttered he seemed to be very animated as he talked, his hands almost touching me at some points.


"What?" He questioned

"Your too close to me back up." I looked him square in the eye as I spoke. His sent had filled the small space quickly I was amazed that I was even able to form words. My inner omega purring at the sight of the alpha trying to get my approval, but I pushed it back knowing that I couldn't trust him.

"O-oh I'm sorry." He spoke in a soft voice moving back to the other side of the limo. My inner omega knowing I had hurt the alphas feelings whined in disapproval I chose to ignore my instincts in favor of gaining my personal space back.

damn this was gonna be a long ride.

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