Chapter 9

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Ellie soon started coming to Newts case more and more often and she sat in there for hours drawing the creatures as Newt talked about them in great detail. Ellie noticed that whenever Newt was talking about his animals or when he was with them he seemed to be more comfortable and Ellie new how he felt because she was the same way. Through most of the year everything went smoothly Ellie and Newt were getting more closer until Ellie had realized something was off, Newt was acting stranger by the day and he was becoming more distant from Ellie making her emotions over flow with sadness. "Newt are you feeling all right? you look a bit pale and you've been acting really strange lately." "I'm Fine Ellie!" Newt responded and immediately realized he just yelled at her "Sorry Ellie I didn't mean to yell at you like that, I just don't want to talk about it" "Ok Newt..." Ellie knew there was something definitely wrong and she was going to find out what it was.

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