Chapter 2: W-what do you mean?

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Ellie tossed and turned in her bed all night not being able to stop thinking about the boy she ran into in the hallway, named Newt. She thought about the way his messy hair flopped over his eyes and how his eyes gave you butterflies whenever you looked at them. Ellie hoped they would meet up again and maybe even become friends. The Next morning as Ellie was eating her breakfast in the great hall she started staring of into space thinking about Newt, which almost caused her to miss class if it wasn't for her best friend named Rachel who had to repeatedly snap her fingers in front of Ellie's face causing her to jump. "Ellie are you okay?" questioned Rachel "ya I'm fine" Ellie replied. But Rachel knew her friend was hiding something from her and she was going to figure it out. In Ellie's whole transfiguration class she absent mindedly started to sketch Newt and since she was a talented artist anyone could look at the drawing and know who it was including Rachel who at that instant knew what was bothering her best friend. At the end of the day Rachel pulled Ellie aside to talk to her privately."Ellie i know whats bothering you, you like that Hufflepuff kid named Newt" stated Rachel, but Ellie defensively said " Me? I don't like him what do you mean?" "Well you've kinda been creepily staring at him and sketching him" "Oh is it that obvious?" "Ya it is kinda". After getting it out that she had feelings for Newt Ellie felt partially relieved and that's when it struck her both she and Newt were in the same house! How could I've not known?!?! Ellie thought to herself as she was getting ready for bed, but she was too tired to think about it anymore for she passed out just as her head hit the pillow.

The life of Newt ScamanderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant