A party to remember

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From that point on, they were friends. Easy, comfortable, natural. Even when they didn't see each other, they were always texting, or on the phone. It felt so right, so homey, to have a piece of Jar Island with her, even at BC.

Drew didn't like it when she saw him. So she just... didn't tell him. There was no point in stirring unnecessary drama. And she wasn't lying, she was just... not telling the full truth. She knew it was better than the alternative. Once, when she'd received a text from Reeve in the middle of a date, Drew had picked up her phone and deleted it. Thankfully, it'd said nothing embarrassing, but Lillia didn't want to risk it. She kept them in two very separate spheres of her life. There was her boyfriend, and there was... her friend.

Now she was her whole friend circle, minus Drew, studying at the Sproul coffee house. Across from her, Reeve lounged in his chair, chewing his pencil as he examined over his essay. Katie sat beside him, reading it over his shoulder.

"You spelled 'color' wrong," Katie pointed out. "There's no extra 'u'. Unless you're part of some snobby British elite." She leaned forward. "Are you?"

From across the table, Lillia snorted. Reeve's family was the opposite of snobby, British, and elite. He was as all-American as you could get.

"What?" Katie asked. Reeve just crossed the word out.

"I'm bored," Katie announced, putting her elbows up on the table. "Who's coming to my party tomorrow night?" Katie lived in the apartments, which made her the ultimate party host.

Everyone started talking at once, setting aside their studying. It looked like most people were going. Including Reeve.

Lillia looked down.

"Cho, you coming?" Reeve asked casually, stretching his arms. She tried not to notice his toned abs, exposed by his raised shirt.

Katie chuckled. "Lil never comes." With a conspiratorial air, she teased, "Drew doesn't like her going to parties. Boy's got her on a leash."

Reeve glanced up sharply, his brows furrowing. Heat rose in her cheeks. "It's not like that," she protested. She wasn't sure if they heard her over the noise.

"Where is the boy anyway? He can't argue if he's not here," Katie said.

"Work." Drew had started a fancy legal internship this fall. He'd had less and less time for all of them, his girlfriend included. Lillia tried not to mind. She was proud of him– his ambition, the way he pursued his goals with single-minded determination. Even if that left no room for her.

"So what's it going to be?" Katie egged her on. "You coming or not? You going to let Drew tell you what to do– or you going to be your own boss?"

It wasn't like that; Drew just didn't like her drinking. He was concerned about her own well being, nothing more. Plus, his father had been an alcoholic. She understood where he wa coming from.

But all eyes were on her now. Lillia couldn't escape this one. "Sure, I'll come," she said.

Reeve watched her. She didn't meet his gaze. Katie clapped her hands together and did a little jig in her chair. "Finally! This will be party to remember."

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