Chapter 9 Be Still, My Beating Heart

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      The walk to school was Hell for Robert.  From the moment he left the house until the moment he sat at his desk, his face was bright red.  It was impossible for him to pay attention to his classes, even to the point that Travis would look over to see him with his head in his hands and his face was still bright red.  "What's up with you?  You look like you just got your first kiss or something?" Travis asks him at lunch.  Rob immediately looked down at his food and tried to completely dodge the question.  "Oh my God, you did.  No way.  Dude who was it?  Was it Amber?  Tessa?  Holly?!" Travis went on and on.  "Dude, lay off!" Rob shouts in embarrassment. 

       He sighs since he knew Travis wouldn't let this go.  "She is a childhood friend of mine, honestly, it took me by surprise.  I can't get the feeling out of my head.  How soft her lips felt, how quickly my heart stopped and then started to race.  I mean...I have been in love with this girl for so long.  My only worry is that she likes to tease me and get me embarrassed.  We have always teased each other...but this...I honestly don't know if she was serious or if she was just messing with me." Rob says, picking at his food, not really in the mood to eat.  "What's her name, dude?  C'mon, you atleast gotta tell me that much.  I mean, you really seem to like this girl, I can't be your best friend if you won't open up a little." Travis says, trying to ease his friend.  "Her name is Danielle, but I've always called her Dani.  I just think it sounds cute." Robert says with a slight smile as he acknowledges his craziness.

     Meanwhile at Danielle's school, she is just as anxious.  "Oh my God!  Oh my God!  Oh my God!  What was I thinking?!  How could I just kiss him like that?!  I'm such an idiot!" Danielle shouts in her mind.  "What's wrong, Dani?"  "Yeah, you seem flustered about something?"  Danielle didn't hear two other girls walk up to her.  Their names were Megan and Rebecca, and they were Danielle's best friends.  "Oh my God!  You actually kissed a boy?!  And you didn't tell us?!" Megan shouts at Danielle as they eat their lunch.  "Oooh, Dani finally got herself a boyfriend!  Tell us about him; is he cute?  Does he have a brother?  C'mon tell us!" Rebecca teases Danielle.  "As I said, it happened this morning.  I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't stop myself from kissing him.  And yes, he's really cute.  He's smart, funny, a good cook, always willing to listen, likes working around the house as well as outside, and he's a musician.  No, he doesn't have a brother." Danielle tells them with a smirk.  "No fair!" Rebecca groans.  "You gotta introduce us soon, you know that right?" Megan reminds her.  "Of course, it might be today actually.  He's coming to meet me here and walk with me back home."

     "So what's she like, bro?  Is she hot?  Does she have a sister?  C'mon, tell me." Travis pesters Rob about it.  "She's been close to me my whole life, I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for her.  She is smart, funny, talented, always there for me and supports me, she is the best cook I have ever had the privilege of knowing, she is absolutely beautiful and wonderful.  On top of all that, she has the most beautiful and hypnotic singing voice I have ever heard.  She has always been there for me when I thought I had no one.  I can't help it man, I love her." Rob says with a smile.  "You gotta introduce me, man.  You have my word I won't try anything, I just wanna meet the girl that has you so head-over-heels." Travis says to him.  "Might get a chance today.  I'm going to her school so we can walk home together, and I'm gonna ask her if it was serious tonight."

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