Chapter 2 A Natural Reaction

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       They have to leave early every morning, but they don't seem to mind.  Danielle likes to take part in clubs and activities and Robert knows this; he attends every organization she is a part of.  Danielle has always been a social girl, she is on the gymnastics team, student council, and one of the leads in her choir.  She is in the top of her class in academics and very easily one of the most beautiful girls in her school.  Danielle is without a doubt, her school's idol.

       Robert, on the other hand, tends to keep to himself.  The only hobby he has shown interest in is the guitar, which only his family, his band instructor, and his friend Travis know about.  Travis and Robert have been friends since middle school when Robert stood up for Travis to a group of bullies.  The two have since been the best of friends.  Robert, does however, like to pick up a part time job at a local bar that takes in new and older performers, the pay is nice and lets him clear his head a little bit.  Danielle also likes hearing Robert play at the house, sometimes just sitting in his room as he loses himself to music.  It's one of the few things they both openly love.

       The two get to the usual intersection and say their goodbyes, before heading to their respective schools.  Robert did well in his studies, but was nowhere near top of his class.  As classes went on, Robert found himself staring off into space, looking out the window.  For a brief moment, he thought he saw a woman outside, looking up at him; however the bell brought him back to his senses.  "Hey Rob," Travis says as he walks over, "see something you like?"  Travis' attention clearly focused on the girls outside for their gym class.  Rob stands up and claims as he drags Travis away, "No, and neither do you." 

         The two go outside on the roof, where they are not supposed to be, and eat their lunches.  Both Robert and Danielle knew how to cook and cook well, but Robert always enjoyed how Danielle's cooking tasted, often joking saying she would make a great wife, which earned embarassment from her.  Travis asks Robert, "So when am I gonna get to meet the lucky girl?"  "When I know you won't drool and make a damned fool of yourself."  Robert smugly responded.  After the two finish their lunches, they go back down to their lockers to prepare for next block.

          "So, is my homework done yet?  It's due next period!" yells an angry and bulky man to a weaker student.  "A-almost, sir!" the poor student responds in fear.  Robert looks over at Travis, who responds, "I got you." and walks to their next class.  Robert walks over to the students and asks, "Is there a problem, Nathan?"  The bigger student looks over and smirks, then responds, "Just getting my homework finished, why?  You got a problem?"  As he says that, the two other students turn to face Robert as well.  Nathan goes to throw a punch and Robert is ready to take it, it wouldn't be the first time he has willingly taken injuries to protect someone weaker than him.  However, this time feels different.

         When Nathan throws the punch, something inside Robert seems to click.  Robert grabs Nathan's punch and seems to be holding it back, Nathan is obviously both shocked and irritated by this.  Robert just looks at his own hand in disbelief, unsure as to why he did that.  "Why you son of a bitch!" Nathan tries to punch Robert again, which he blocks again.  Robert seems the most shaken by his own actions.  Nathan is getting more and more irritated and tries once more to punch him.  This time, Robert doesn't block, but merely steps out of the way and sticks his foot out a little ways as Nathan trips and falls.  Robert looks to the weaker student and gestures for him to get to class, to which the student happily listens.  Just as Nathan is about to get up and try again, Robert's homeroom teacher, Richard Waters, comes out and shouts "What's going on here?"  Nathan grunts and says, "This isn't over, you hear me?" and walks away.  Mr. Waters walks over and asks if Robert is alright, to which he claims he's fine and apologizes for being late.  The teacher understands and brings Robert back to class. 

          Sitting outside during their gym class, Robert and Travis are talking about what happened with him and Nathan.  "I honestly don't know what came over me, it's like my body moved on its own." Robert states, still in shock.  Travis responds, "Maybe that's your body's way of saying "enough is enough," you willingly take a beating so someone else doesn't have to, I think your body is sick of it."  "Maybe, but it was still weird...not being in control of your own body, it's kinda terrifying."  As they are talking, a stranger listens on from afar, as if waiting for something to happen. 

         Meanwhile, as everything at the school is going on, Alister has just arrived at his destination.  An old partner of his, Johnathan Lancer, walks over.  "Still looking for that guy?" Johnathan asked him.  "Yeah," Alister states as he lights a cigarette and loads his pistol, "I owe it to them: him and his son."  Alister then cocks the gun and walks out to do his job.

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