Chapter 4 A Familiar Encounter

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        About a week has passed since Robert lost control of himself.  Alister has been back since that night and Danielle has stayed home from school to check up on him.  He has barely eaten, let alone left his room.  Finally with the following Monday, Robert gets ready for school again; he and Danielle walk together, as they usually do.  She keeps asking him if he will be okay, and he keeps responding, "I think I'll be alright.  Remember, I'm at the bar tonight so I'll be home late."  "I'll have dinner set out for you." she replies with a smile.  It was a light smile, but to Robert it was reassuring.

        Robert enjoyed working for the bar when they called him, if it wasn't guitar it was cooking.  His goal was to save up to buy a dependable motorbike, just something to make the trips to school easier for both him and Danielle.  At the school, a couple of people asked Robert if he was okay, and if he needed help with anything; to which he said he was alright and thanked them for their concern.  Classes went on like nothing had ever happened, but anytime Nathan or his goons saw Robert, they started walking in the other direction.  It was an oddly satisfying feeling.

        Around lunchtime, Travis and Robert were out on the roof as usual, and Travis asks him, "so you gonna tell me what really happened?"  "I lost control again, atleast this time I got the message through to Nathan." Robert tells him as he finishes his drink.  "You got it through, alright.  I've never seen Nathan so on edge.  What did you even do to him?"  "I don't remember, honestly.  It's all a blur, I just remember the gist of it."  "That's a shame, still, must feel good to know you finally stood up for yourself, instead of just for others," Travis tried to lighten the atmosphere.  "Yeah," Robert looks at his hands in concern, "for myself.."

      After school, Robert starts walking to perform at the bar.  Travis decided to tag along as well; he has gone to a few performances in the past few months and seems to enjoy them.  As the two are talking about something that happened in class, Robert steps out onto the street, unaware of the oncoming car.  Travis tries to desperately warn Robert, but he isn't quick enough to respond in time.  He calls to Robert, trying to get him to wake up, but has no luck.

        When Robert wakes up, his head hurts and his vision is blurry, but he knows he's at the hospital.  The doctors are talking to Alister and Danielle about Robert's condition, and he realizes that the hospital must have called them.  The doctors give him some painkillers which start to put him under.  As his pain dulls, his vision gets fuzzier and fuzzier.  His mind is racing and throbbing at the same time, old dreams and images keep replaying through his mind. He is on the verge of passing out when he looks over to the window and notices something.  He sees an owl and smiles to himself, "Hello, my friend."  It's at this moment when the windows open up and the owl flies in.  Robert closes his eyes and opens them slowly, only to see a blurred image of a woman infront of him.  "M-Mom...?" and Robert passes out.  The woman smiles, "Do not worry, my child.  I will not let you die tonight."

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