Chapter 14

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Sophie was frozen for a moment and then she sighed, falling into the kiss. Her hands combed into his hair as his arms encircled her waist. She tugged at his curls, earning a moan from Harry. He pulled her closer backing her into the wall, deepening the kiss.

Noah opened the door. "Harry, we..." he trailed off when he saw them.

Harry pulled away, turning to face his brother. His face portrayed how annoyed he was.

Noah tapped his fingers against his thigh in an uneasy rhythm. "Awkward..." he mumbled.

Sophie blushed, looking down. Her hair fell in front of her face, hiding her. He chest beating rapidly.

Harry took her hand in his and squeezed it then walked over to his brother. He walked past him, and left the room.

Noah stayed standing, grinning at Sophie. 'My brother must like you. I've never seen him making out with a girl like that before. Not that you're the first one I've walked in on. But still-"

Harry grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him out of the room, rolling his eyes. He closed the door as soon as they were both out.

Sophie lifted her head, smiling. She leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath as she took her swollen lip between her teeth.


The next day, Sophie woke up to a knock on her door. She sat up in bed, sighing. The sun hadn't even risen yet. It was still dark outside.

"Who is it?" she called.


Sophie rolled over in bed, covering her face with the pillow. "Go away!"

She heard a faint chuckle.

Harry opened the door quietly, closing it silently. He walked over to her bed, sitting on the edge.

Sophie jumped when he sat down and she sat up, looking at him.

"How do you DO that?" she asked, irritated.

"Do what?'' Harry smirked.

"Move like a ghost. Jeez."

He rolled his eyes. "Get dressed," he said.

"Why?'' Sophie asked. Then she caught sight of the time on his watch.

"It's three in the morning!"

Harry cocked an eyebrow. "Perfect time for training."

"How is it perfect? We won't be able to see anything!"
she pointed out.

"Exactly,'' Harry responded. He stood up. "Be outside in five minutes or I'll drag you out." He walked out of the room.

Five minutes later, Sophie slouched out of the house and looked around.

Harry was nowhere in sight.

She blew out a sigh. "Har, har. Very funny," she said under her breath. She turned around, walking back towards the house.

Suddenly she felt someone grab her wrist and Harry pulled her back and turned her around.

"Where did you come from?" Sophie gasped.

"Jupiter," Harry said sarcastically.

"I never thought you were human," the princess admitted.

Harry rolled his eyes. "A rebel's best resources are their surroundings. For the most part, they are always there."

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