Interview : FreeFalling22

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FreeFalling's story "Awakening to Life" is a very emotional and well written one. It certainly got me teary eyed. Reading the story, I fell in love with Josh and Allie. They're both so beautiful. Those of us who have watched a love one suffer through an illness will truly understand just how beautifully the heartbreak has been captured in the pages of this story.

Her shorter, but equally amazing story "The Bullied Die Young" is a great read as well.

First off, - what's your name? (or nickname, if you don't prefer to give your name away).

My pen name is Caitlin Guy.

What are your major works so far?

My first book was Awakening to Life, which I wrote when I was 16 - four years ago. It is published on Wattpad and the edited and extended version is due to be self published on Smashwords in January 2014. I'm currently working on a second YA Fiction novel.

What draws you to the genre(s) you write?

I've always loved YA Fiction and Romance. Even though I study English and am now an adult, and should really be reading more Literary Fiction, I still love the same books that I did at 16. I love that the characters are of an age where they're trying to work out who they are and who they'll be. Emotions are high. Family and friends are very important in defining their lives.

What are you working on at the moment?

I'm working on a YA Fiction novel about a girl who wakes up as a ghost. It's part love story, part mystery. Basically, she tries to communicate with her loved ones through the one boy at school that can still see her.

Which writers inspire you?

I'm inspired by Meg Cabot. I love her books and she's written so many! I would adore a writing career like hers. Although at the moment I'm reading a lot of Mills & Boon and loving the formulaic structure, as well as how the authors use popular storylines and character clichés but twist it to their own story.

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

I actually don't remember, but once I started I became addicted to writing and learning about writing. I wish I did remember that initial inspiration.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

With Awakening to Life I had no idea, except for the end. But with my second novel I've done a very detailed plot, so I know exactly where it's going and what will happen in each chapter.

What is the hardest and the easiest thing about writing?

The hardest thing is sitting down and writing - getting over the fear of not being able to produce anything worth reading. The easiest thing is daydreaming about it - which I like to think is me planning where the book will go, and therefore is actually a productive use of time.

Do you ever get writer’s Block? If you do, how do you win over it?

Yes. All the time. But I think it's more me failing to prioritise writing over other things in my life. Once I make time for writing and commit to doing it, I just need to get lost in the flow of words.

Do you proofread / edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

I do it myself. I do a lot of editing for other people, but I do find it harder to edit my own work. So perhaps I should consider getting someone else to do it....

How do you handle hate mail or negative comments (if you get any at all)?

I get angry or upset, then ignore it. The first time I responded and it only escalated the hate, so I've learnt to just leave it and let it go.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

This is a really hard one. Probably something like 1984 or Brave New World. I love reading dystopian fiction and to write something so influential would be amazing.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Actually write. Practise. And make sure to learn about writing as well. Start with the basics - punctuation, grammar, etc - and then learn about plot, character, setting, and so on. Know the rules, commonalities and clichés so that your writing improves and when you break a rule, it's because it's intended and necessary, and not because you're a bad writer.

What were / are you like at school? Were you good at English?

I was good at school and I loved it. English and Drama were my best and favourite subjects. I'm now studying Law, English and Drama at university.

>> Additional information: Please visit my profile for more information and updates about the publication of Awakening to Life.

You can buy an ebook through Booktango (external link): It's $4.99 for an edited and extended version of the draft on Wattpad.

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