Interview : Cfunk3

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Cfunk3 is one of the most amazing writers I've come across on here.Her story "The Return" has to be one of my favorites.

She's got a thread in the Improve Your Writing Club (it can be accessed from the external link on the side) where she answers questions we have about writing. This thread has helped me a lot, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you asked her your questions either.

First off, - what's your name? (or nickname, if you don't prefer to give your name away).


What are your major works so far?

I've written and posted 'The Return' up on wattpad and part two, 'The Resurrection', is completed already but I'm posting two chapters weekly.

What draws you to the genre(s) you write?

I love a good saga, something I can sink my teeth into and ride along with the characters on a multiple book journey. That's why I created 'The Return'. I wanted readers to enjoy not just the book, but all seven of Ellie's lifetimes.

What are you working on at the moment?

I'm completing book three in my series called 'The Revival'.

Which writers inspire you?

Diana Gabladon's Highlander series inspired me as did Stephanie Myers' journey whilst writing the 'Twilight' series. As for favorite authors who've inspired me to write...god, the list could go on forever! I read almost anything and everything!

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

My husband went to Iraq for a year and I desperately needed a distraction. I had finished reading my most recent series and since I couldn't find a new one to hold my interest...I decided to create one on my own. I figured if EL James could do could I ;)

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

I had the basic premise for all four books in my series. I knew the main mysteries and characters. However the subplots and other surprises along the way just developed when I was writing. It was like the characters took hold of the story and I was just along for the ride.

What is the hardest and the easiest thing about writing?

There is nothing easy about writing! But the best thing about writing is when you go back and read something that you've written and you get chills-- not believing that you actually came up with something so great. The worst? For me it's writing sex scenes. My books have them and they are by far the most difficult thing for me to write!

Do you ever get writer’s Block? If you do, how do you win over it?

When I have writer's block I either step away and read something that will inspire me, or I write out of sequence. I find that writing just a random scene with my characters usually gets my creative juices flowing again and that I can plug the scene somewhere in the book. Works every time!

Do you proofread / edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

Wattpad and it's readers have been an excellent source for me during the editing process. I also met my writing buddy @SoCameraShy on here. We read each others chapters before posting and although we don't copy edit, she's been a life saver when it comes to pointing out plot holes and really pushing me to do my best.

How do you handle hate mail or negative comments (if you get any at all)?

Luckily I've only gotten like two negative comments (and I'm not talking constructive criticism here-- that I appreciate). I never understand those who take the time to be nasty. First off you're just bumping me in the lists by leaving a comment, and secondly why bother? If you don't like my story move on. I never said it was everyone's cup of tea! So how do I deal with negative comments? One word: delete.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

I wish I had written Romeo and Juliet. By far one of my favorite and most emulated love stories around.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Just like the saying goes that you've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince, you've got to start a lot of stories before you find the one that screams for you to complete it. I have notebooks and notebooks filled with stories that I wrote when I was younger and never finished. They weren't the one. Just like love, when you find "the one" you'll know.

What were / are you like at school? Were you good at English?

Was I good at English? Well it was my favorite subject! I to sure if I was great at it, but I loved it. I loved the creativity it allowed me and was fortunate to have some wonderful teachers. I loved English so much that I actually became an English teacher. Hopefully I'll pass along some of my passion to the students I work with.

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