“Your eyes not to mention your aura. As the dead they can sense that you’re Death.”

“Oh… right of course.” I said finding all of this overwhelming.

He stopped at the door right at the end of the hall and knocked once before opening.

“Conquest? I have brought Violet to see you. ” Ethan said as he walked into the room.

I hesitantly followed him inside, because the last time I had seen Conquest she had voted to kill me. I stood near the wall, by a table with a single vase of flowers, while Ethan stood next to me.

“Ah so its true. Some nut case ran in here earlier saying that D had returned and he’s going to kill us all. You reapers are all so dramatic.” She said sipping red wine while watching a soap opera.

“So much for not telling anyone, I’ll have to speak to him. In the meantime you asked me to bring Violet here so that you can fill her in.” Ethan said.

I remembered the guy who had first come into my room, when I had first awoken. He had freaked out when he saw my eyes, then Ethan sent him away. To kind of think of it I hadn’t seen him since then.

“I did, didn’t I? Can it wait until after my show? Robert’s about to walk in on his wife and best friend doing it.” She said still watching the TV.

“No, it can’t wait.” Ethan said sounding irritated, “You can pause it.” He said and reached out for the remote and paused the show.

“How rude. All you Reapers are so boring and serious.” Conquest said and turned towards us.

“Welcome, take a seat, how can I help you?” She said flamboyantly, sloshing some of the wine and staining the carpet. Which kind of made me think that she might be a little drunk… but can Horsemen even get drunk? Doesn’t matter I needed answers.

“What has happened to me?” I asked still not really believing Ethan.

“I presume Ethan had given you a quick run through of the events that had taken place?”


“Well then I’m guessing he told you that the River transferred my brother’s powers to you because you had already been in the river right?” She asked and I nodded, so she went on.

“The River is a very powerful tool. It’s neither good nor bad. It’s a … superhighway for the ghosts, to reach their proper place, it’s a way to finding peace mostly it’s a portal leading to the four planes. Death is the… what’s that word? Ah yes, Death is like a supervisor, managing the flow and making sure that no-one strays from their destination.”

“What four planes?” I asked dumbfounded, I thought that there were only heaven and Hell oh and Earth of course.

“Heaven, Hell, Limbo and Earth.” Ethan supplied and I nodded

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now