Chapter Six

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I sigh overexaggeratively and follow Chase to the booth. She's right. Zayn is just a boy. A boy that happened to save my life not once, but twice within the span of one week.

Zayn looks up at me, with a friendly smile, when I approach the table.

"Scooch." I order him. He does as I said and leaves just enough room for me to seat.

"Pissed you have to sit next to me?" He whispers in my ear, the smell of cigarettes lingering in the air. I can feel the smirk on his lips, and I don't even have to look. I choose not to respond and pick up a menu, instead.

The waitress comes by to take our orders and stays a bit longer to talk. It's the kind of treatment you get here, at Winners, when you're regulars. She focuses on Zayn, however. She is so interested in him, and she wants to know all about him. I am becoming a tad bit agitated with her. She's working- she should have other things to do than drool over Mr. London Boy, here.

I sit and listen to the conversation happening around me, rather than applying myself. I sip on my Coke and laugh at the right times.

"And what about you?" Zayn turns to me. I blink a couple of times, trying to come out of the daze I was just in seconds ago. Everyone else is still talking, and I realize it's just a one-on-one with Zayn and me.

"What do you mean what about me?" I ask him, truthfully. I wasn't listening to anything that was just said.

"Who are you going to this holiday dance with?" He asks again. I think about it for a minute. I would usually go with Chase because it's very rare that we ever score a date. But, Eric was talking about taking me this year. As if that's happening anymore. I have to sort through that, as well.

"No one." I answer confidently, "Probably just going stag" I add.

"And you?" I ask him. He's not all that bad.

"No one." He chuckles. "I've only met two girls, so far."

"And there's a very slim chance that we'd go together." He adds, his voice so low, that only I heard him.

"Perfect. Zayn, you and Lyd will go together." We both are quick to protest, but Chase isn't having it.

The waitress comes with a platter full of greasy fries and juicy hamburgers, before either of us can say anything more. My stomach is grumbling for just a bite, and I watch as she places our plates in front of us, eagerly.

Everyone else devours their food, while chatting with mouthfuls. I've become quiet, and I've seemed to lost my appetite.

I force myself to eat half of my plate and wait for the others to conclude, so we can get out of here. Although, I doubt we'll be heading back to our houses.

I wait as everyone else concludes their meal, and our waitress returns shortly after asking about checks. Brad offers to pay for everyone because he has a filthy rich step-dad, and I act like I don't want him paying for me, but I let him.

Like ten minutes later, we are leaving the diner and headed to the cars. Chase parked her car in the middle of Brad's and James'. I lean against her car, while her and James kid around. Zayn comes up next to me and mimics me. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and right as he opens them, I steal one from him.

"You smoke?" He asks me, obviously surprised. I don't answer him. Instead, I hold the cigarette between my fingers and wait for him to light it. It takes him a minute for him to catch on, but now I have a lit cigarette.

"Is your perfect little image of me damaged, now?" I ask, faking a sad face.

"No. In fact, I think I might like you a bit more." He laughs. I roll my eyes playfully and fade out of the conversation. Chase and James return, after Chase ran after James in the parking lot. James suggests that we go back to his house, and we all agree quickly. James house is the best to go to for anything. His parents could care less what he does. He can smoke, drink, or have sex, and his parents are unfazed.

I should have figured Chase would offer to give Zayn a ride, then force the two of us to sit in the backseat because "the passenger seat is full of crap". Zayn sits in the left seat, and I sit in the right seat. I don't know what is going on in Chase's head, if she really thinks she can get Zayn and I together.


We all sit around in James' basement, either drinking, smoking, or both, while we laugh about stupid things we did as freshmen.

"Oh my gosh. You're gonna hate me, Lyd, but I have to tell this story," Chase looks at me, before continuing, "This was back when Lydia and I were super girly-girly and really into the football players. It was the homecoming dance, and we all know how Lyd is late bloomer... Well, she basically stuffed her bra before we left, so she went from nothing to an A. Anyways, at the dance, Haden Bryant came up and started talking to her, and tissue fell out of her dress right in front of him!!" Chase starts laughing, and everyone else follows after. Even Zayn is cracking up at the fatality of my reputation freshman year. I feel my cheeks redding, and I lay my head in my hands.

"Oh come on, Lyd. Join us in laughing at our old, stupid selves!" Chase lightly shoves me.

"You got anything embarassing, Zayn?" Brad interjects. Zayn looks like he's thinking of something, and I find myself dying to know whatever he's planning to say.

"There was this one time. It was last year, actually. I used to live in the UK. Big shocker, right? Well, I saw this really attractive girl at my school. So, for a couple of days I would talk to her, whenever I had the chance- in the halls, before and after school. Then one day, I got the courage to ask her out. So, I did. But, she-she was a teacher." Zayn laughs at himself. We all laugh along with him.

"Oh, you know what I just remembered?" Brad asks no one specific. We all turn to him, so he'll go on.

"Please tell me you guys remember those two days where James and Lyd tried to date each other?" Brad starts laughing, and Chase covers her mouth to prevent a cackle.

"You two dated?!" Zayn asks me.

"For two days! That's not even dating. He broke up with me over text message, and since then we've vowed to stay friends, and just friends." I recall. It's funny how we've changed so much over the years.

I put my cigarette out and pull Chase up from the floor. It's 11:50, and we have to be home before midnight.

"We'll see you guys later!" Chase blows kisses to each boy, and I have to drag her out of the room.


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