Chapter nine

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(Isabella's POV)

"So then I..." Ferb said. He was telling me a story about him and Phineas. I didn't really know what it was about, because I was not listening to him at all. I didn't even want to he here with him! But I was. I can't believe he dragged me to the mall so we can go on a date, and I mean literally dragged me. He knocked on the door of my house and as soon as I opened the door he grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the mall. I tried to escape but Ferb is strong. He did not let me go until we got here. I would've left but, lucky for him, I actually did need to go to the mall.

"So what did you think?" Ferb said.

"What?" I said. I honestly had no idea of what he was talking about.

"What did you think of the story?"

"Oh, it was... good." I said with a fake smile. This was so boring. If only I didn't need new clothes. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Ferb asked. He obviously heard my small sigh that not even the best hearer in the world could hear.

"Nothing's wrong?" I lied.

"You're not having fun." he said disappointed. How could he see right trough me?

"No I'm having a great time." I lied again. It sounded believable to me. But this was Ferb not Phineas. Sure it was not a normal Ferb but it was still him and he could read feelings better than anyone.

"You're lying." he said. I knew he knew. "Come on I know what will make you feel better." he grabbed my arm again and started pulling me again. 'Where are we going now?' I thought.

(Isabella's POV)
(a few minutes later)

We were at the movie theater. Out of all the places in Danville Ferb picked the movie theater. I did not want to be here. It's not the movie theater than scared me, it was what Ferb could've had in his mind. Like reaching for popcorn at the same time and touching hands, him doing the old 'yawn trick', all those movie watching things.

When he got the tickets and our food I noticed there was only one big bucket of popcorn. I wanted to sigh but I didn't, because then Ferb will question me again and I did not want that. At least there were two drinks.

I took the movie tickets from him and saw that we were going to watch 'Flower of the Sun' I actually wanted to see that movie. We made our way to the screening room and took our seats right in the middle. Not too close, not too far, not too far too the right, not too far to the left, just perfect.

"Perfectly is the middle, my favorite spot!" Ferb said.

I turned to him. That was my favorite spot. "Same here." I said with a little smile.

(Isabella's POV)
(after the movie)

The movie wasn't bad. It was sad at some parts. I almost cried. But I stopped paying attention to the movie after Ferb and I touched hands. Why did he have to the old 'reach for the popcorn at the same time' thing? But the way he looked at me... it made me feel weird, I was flattered by the look, but I didn't want it to come from him. Specially not if he's under a trance.

"I should go home now. Mum will be making dinner soon." Ferb said.

"Ok." it's all I said. I actually had to go too. We both walked home together. Ferb tried to grab my hand twice but I brought my hand up to my hair, pretending to fix it, before he grabbed it.

When we got to Ferb's house, Phineas greeted us at the door. "Oh hi. Back from your date?" he said.

"Yes." I said flatly.

"How was it?"

"Great!" Ferb said.

"That's good. Ferb mom needs help with dinner." Phineas said, and Ferb went inside. "Hey, I know you don't like him this way. How he's forced to love you. But I'm almost done with the machine."

I looked at him with a question look. "But I thought you couldn't get parts." I said.

"Well I found some spare parts in the garage. But I still need to wait till Blowtorch City opens again, because there's some parts I couldn't find."

"Oh ok." I said. I was hoping that he could've finished it sooner.

Today's date was a bit awkward, but the movie was good and Ferb actually made me laugh sometimes, I guess I can make it through the week.


This chapter is so late... no surprise. I'm sorry but life is just mean.
So is Wattpad, because I had the chapter ready to publish but it deleted part of the chapter so I had to rewrite that.
I know I said I'll update every two weeks, but I sadly can't. I'm busy so I can only update when I get the time. My spring break was this past week so I typed up this chapter.

The story is almost over :(
There's only about 5 chapters left.
Idk what I'll write after, maybe a Disney fanfic or just a made up story. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

If you have Instagram you should follow my accounts:
I didn't mention my personal, I might tell what it is some other time.

I'll try to update soon, commenting helps because it inspires me to type. :)

Until next time!
Remember Disney IS life!

Jealousy: A Phineas and Ferb FanficWhere stories live. Discover now