Chapter four

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Ok first I want to say thank you sooooo much for the 100+ reads I almost cried when I saw that. I love you <3. I was actually thinking about deleting this because I thought you didn't like it but I guess I was wrong. Second: since you are such amazing people would you mind checking out my other story? It would mean a lot. Ok so now on with the story. Oh and sorry for not updating in a while.

(Isabella's POV)

I was getting ready for my date with Ferb, I wasn't really worried on what I was going to wear. I decided to wear black skinny jeans with a pink top and a black cover with black flats. For my makeup I just put on a bit of light pink eye shadow, mascara, and cherry lip gloss.

Now I just had to wait for Ferb.

(Ferb's POV) (this is happening at the same time Isabella was getting ready)

I still hadn't told Phineas that I was going on a date with Isabella, but I knew that he was going to find out soon. I stopped thinking about that and started to get ready. I didn't know what to wear at first but I ended up wearing jeans with a green t-shirt and a black leather jacket over it.

Suddenly my brother came in. "Hey Ferb, going somewhere?" he asked. I froze I didn't know if I should tell him. I mean Isabella did want to me to tell him, but was now the right time? Since I didn't answer him he asked again, and then I decided to tell him.

"Um yeah I am going somewhere." was all I could say.

"Ok and where would that be?" he asked. He is so curious like Isabella. Which is another reason why they should be together.

"I'm going on a date." I told him.

"With who?" I didn't know if I should answer him. Come on Ferb why can't you just tell him.

"Isabella!" I blurted out. Well now he knows, I wonder how he'll react.

"Isabella? Well um....have fun." then he left. He looked sad, was that good? Does that mean that he was disappointed that Isabella was going out with someone else? I put those thoughts at the back of my brain when I saw the time. 'It's time to pick up Isabella.' I thought.

I went downstairs and walked across the street. When I got to her house I knocked and then the door opened. Standing there was Isabella she looked nice and casual. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep!" she answered then, since I can't drive yet, we started walking to the nearest restaurant "Did you tell Phineas?" she asked.

"Yes, yes I did." I informed her.

"What did he say?"

"He just said to have fun, but he looked a bit sad."

"Really?! That's great!! Maybe he is jealous." she cheered.

I laughed "Maybe." after the words left my mouth we got to our destination, The Purple Horse, it has a weird name but the food is wonderful.

We waited till we got seated, then when we did we ordered then started talking just like friends. It was really fun! I got to know Isabella more and she got to know me more too. When we finished I walked her home and said "This was fun."

She nodded "So when should we have our second date?" she asked, jokingly.

"Um....I don't know next Friday?" I said.

"Ok! Bye I'll see tomorrow." she said and went inside. I went to my house too.

I went into mine and Phineas's room to see that Phineas was sleeping. I yawned, 'it's been a long day so I guess I better go to sleep' I thought. I got into bed and drifted off into dreamland.

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